Sec. 9-36 Protection of Water and Sewer Transmission Lines-Tracer Wires. 7
   From the effective date of this resolution and ordinance as adopted by the Town Council, all persons who shall install connections to either the Town's water main or to the Town's sanitary sewer, shall also install a tracer wire that shall run the length of the connection, from the Town's main or transmission or collection line, to the structure served by the utility, in a manner that it is affixed to the pipe at intervals of no less frequently than five (5) feet, and from the point of connection with the Town's line, having had at least one (1) foot wound around the point of connection, and, at the other end, either at the meter or cleanout inside the structure, with again at least one (1) foot of wire wrapped around the pipe and taped, so that location of the buried lines can be better accomplished. The wire shall be twelve (12) gauge single strand insulated wire.
(Ord. No. 1242, 7-14-93)



   Editor's Note: Res No. 93-14 of (he Utility Board of Trustees adopted July 14, 1993, recommended the passage of Ord. No. 1242.