Sec. 7-29 Pre-Bid Submission Requirements for Contractors.
   Contractors proposing to submit bids on any Town of Schererville public works project estimated to cost at least two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), or more, must, prior to the opening of bids, submit a statement made under oath and subject to perjury laws, on a form designated by the Town and must include the following:
   a.   A copy of a print-out of the Indiana Secretary of State's on-line record for the bidder dated within sixty (60) days of the submission of said document showing that the bidder is in existence, current with the Indiana Secretary of State's Business Entity Reports, and eligible for a certificate of good standing. If the bidder is an individual, sole proprietor or partnership, this subsection shall not apply;
   b.   A list identifying all former business names;
   c.   Any determinations by a Court or Government agency for violations of federal, state, or local laws including, but not limited to, violations of contracting or antitrust laws, tax or licensing laws, environmental laws, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), or federal Davis-Bacon, and related Acts;
   d.   A statement on staffing capabilities, including labor sources;
   e.   Evidence of participation in apprenticeship and training programs applicable to the work to be performed on the project which are approved by and registered with the United States Department of Labor's Office of Apprenticeship, or its successor organization. The required evidence includes a copy of all applicable apprenticeship certificates or standards for these training programs;
   f.   A copy of a written plan for employee drug testing that (I) covers all employees of the bidder who will perform work on the public works project; and (ii) meets, or exceeds, the requirements set forth in I.C., § 4-13-18-5 or I.C., § 4-13-18-6;
   g.   The name and description of the management experience of each of the bidder's project managers and superintendents that bidder intends to assign to work on the project;
   h.   Proof of any professional or trade license required by law for any trade or specialty area in which the bidder is seeking a contract award; and disclosure of any suspension or revocation within the previous five (5) years of any professional or trade license held by the company, or of any director, office or manager employed by the bidder;
   i.   Evidence that the contractor is utilizing a surety company which is on the United States Department of Treasury's Listing Approved Sureties;
   j.   A written statement of any federal, state or local tax liens or tax delinquencies owed to. any federal, state or local taxing body in the last five (5) years;
   k.   A statement that individuals who will perform work on the public works project on behalf of the bidder will be properly classified as either (I) an employee or (ii) an independent contractor under all applicable state and federal laws and local ordinances; and
   l.   A list of projects of similar size and scope of work that the bidder has performed in the State of Indiana within three (3) years prior to the date on which the bid is due.
The Town reserves the right to demand supplemental information from the bidder, additional verification of any information provided by the bidder, and may also conduct random inquiries of the bidder's current and prior customers.
(Ord. 1900, § 2, 4-12-17)