Sec. 6-60 Requirements for Installation.
   a.   On and after adoptions and passages of this ordinance, all new construction in the following described categories shall have installed functional smoke detectors as well as such other fire alarms or fire preventative devices required by other laws or rules or regulations. All smoke detectors shall be hard wired into the building's electrical system. All such devices shall be installed in conformity with manufacturer's requirements or acceptable trades union requirements or as directed by the Town's electrical inspector or the Town's fire chief or their designee.
   b.   These devices shall be installed at intervals in such rooms, corridors, or other spaces within a building so that the entire building shall be secured, protected, or covered. No occupancy permit may be issued by the Town until this ordinance is fully complied with regardless when a building permit was issued.
   c.   The following list are the categories for which smoke detectors shall be installed as aforementioned:
      1.   All Hotels and Motels
      2.   All Businesses
      3.   All Commercial Buildings
      4.   All Residential Buildings
      5.   All Apartments and Condominiums
   d.   All existing hotels and motels, businesses, commercial buildings, apartments, and condominiums contracted prior to the date of adoption of this ordinance shall also have stalled smoke detectors by or before January 1, 1991. The smoke detectors installed in existing structures may be battery operated. If a battery operated detector is installed, it must contain a tamper resistant cover to protect the batteries. The batteries shall be periodically replaced and maintained so that the detector is always operational. It is the responsibility of the owner of the real estate and the occupier of the real estate or premises to maintain any smoke detector in workable condition.
   e.   These smoke detectors installed in already constructed buildings or structures shall conform in every way to the requirements of smoke detectors in new construction except they may be battery operated.
(Ord. No. 1139, § 3, 1-10-90)