Sec. 5-52 Mobile Band Shell; Policies and Procedures.
   a.   Prior to the use and lease rental of the Mobile Band Shell equipment of the Parks and Recreation Board by any person, persons or entity, including, but not limited to, not-for-profit corporations, an application form shall be completed and submitted to the Town Park Department on the form and in the manner required by the Department. The required application shall be maintained in the records of the Clerk-Treasurer of the Town and in the records of the Park and Recreation Board of the Town.
(Ord. No. 1481, § 1, 3-8-00)
   b.   The following fee schedule is hereby established and required to be paid by any and all persons, groups of persons or entity, including, but not limited to, not-for-profit corporations, seeking to use and lease the Mobile Band Shell equipment of the Town Park and Recreation Department, namely:
      1.   In-town rental to not-for-profit corporations - minimum rental fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00);
      2.   Out-of-town rental for not-for-profit corporations - minimum rental fee of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00); and
      3.   Lease rental to all other persons or groups - minimum rental fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
   c.   The payment of a fee in accordance with the above-referenced fee schedule shall be a condition of lease rental of the Mobile Band Shell equipment, and no permit for such usage and lease rental shall be issued without payment. A person, persons or entity, including, but not limited to, any not-for-profit corporation, seeking to use and lease the Mobile Band Shell equipment, shall be required to comply with the policies and procedures related to the lease of the Mobile Band Shell equipment established by the Board of Parks and Recreation of the Town, as the same are amended from time to time. All fees collected for the usage and lease rental of the Mobile Band Shell equipment shall be deposited into the General Fund of the Park and Recreation Department of the Town for usage consistent therewith, as permitted by applicable law. A copy of the duly adopted policies and procedures related to lease of the Mobile Band Shell required to be complied with by any person, persons or entities, including, but not limited to, not-for-profit corporations, is attached to Ordinance 1481, passed March 8, 2000.
(Ord. No. 1481, § 2, 3-8-00)