Sec. 5-40 Procedures to Request Athletic Facilities Usage.
   Reservations for athletic field usage and are subject to specific approval by the Park Superintendent. Tournament usage may require additional fees and approval by the Park Superintendent. Tournament and organized team users must provide a certificate of insurance naming the Town of Schererville, the Schererville Parks and Recreation Board of Directors, and its duly authorized agents and employees, as additional insured in an amount acceptable to the Park Superintendent. Field usage is subject to field conditions as determined by the Schererville Parks and Recreation Department. Users must also comply with all other existing park rules, regulations and ordinances. Any refunds of rental fees for athletic fields shall be at the discretion of the Park Superintendent or Schererville Parks and Recreation Board. Any waiver or reduction of rental fees for athletic fields shall be at the sole discretion of the Schererville Parks and Recreation Board. (Ord. No. 1265, § 1, 2-9-94; Ord. No. 1751, § 2, 5-13-09; Ord. No. 1948, § 2, 12-11-19)