Sec. 4-19 Record of Registration and Stickers Registration.
   a.   The Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of Schererville shall cause to be printed or produced registration stickers, or emblems, with consecutive numbers printed upon them. As each machine or device is registered and the required registration fee paid, a sticker shall be issued to the person or entity paying the fee. The registrant shall complete or cause to be completed a questionnaire form disclosing the following information:
      1.   Name of owner of commercial establishment in which the device or machine is located
      2.   Business name of the establishment.
      3.   Address of said establishment.
      4.   Owner of the real estate in which said establishment is located.
      5.   Address of the owner of the real estate.
      6.   Type of device or machine or game.
      7.   Name of the game or machine or device.
      8.   Name of the owner of said game or machine or device.
      9.   Address of said owner.
      10.   Serial number of the game, device, or machine.
      11.   Date when said machine, game or device was placed into service at this particular location.
      12.   Any other information which the Clerk-Treasurer or Police Department of the Town may require or deem necessary.
   b.   A copy of this record of registration shall be maintained by the Clerk-Treasurer and one copy sent to the Police Department.
   c.   These records of registration are public records.
   d.   Each sticker or emblem shall be assigned to one machine, game or device and a record kept by the Clerk-Treasurer and Police Department showing which number of each sticker or emblem is assigned to which machine, game or device.
   e.   This sticker or emblem shall be prominently displayed upon the game, device or machine to which it is assigned.
(Ord. No. 1084, § 2, 9-14-88, Schererville Town Code, § 5-4-2)