Sec. 2-303 Self-Funded Employee Benefit Plan.
   a.   The Town established a self funded plan which may pay for and provide coverages for those eligible employees of the Town for payment for medical, pharmaceutical, optical, dental, or other medical related expenses or any one or more of the aforementioned coverages, as well as payment for loss of life to designated beneficiaries. The Clerk-Treasurer is authorized and empowered to administer this self funded plan.
(Ord. No. 1093, § 2, 12-4-88)
   b.   In addition, the Clerk-Treasurer is authorized and empowered to employ a management consultant or qualified company to assist in administering payments from the fund to health providers or others. In addition to the self funded plan, the Clerk-Treasurer may purchase coinsurance or catastrophic coverage to augment or supplement the self funded plan in his discretion as to which plan, plans, or combination thereof will provide the best coverages for the least amount of cost to the Town.
   c.   This plan may be amended as necessary by the Town Council.
(Ord. No. 1093, § 5, 12-4-88)