(a) No person who constructs a project subject to sections 86.703(a) and (b) shall use water for irrigation or a water feature without the authorization required by this chapter.
(b) A person constructing a project subject to sections 86.703(a) and (b) shall obtain a water use authorization to provide water to a landscaped area as follows:
(1) A person applying for a building permit shall obtain a water use authorization from the County as part of the permitting process.
(2) A person applying for a discretionary permit shall submit a landscape concept plan with the discretionary permit application. As used in this chapter, a landscape concept plan means a drawing of the site where the project will be located that includes a representation of the site features, proposed plantings areas and the proposed method and type of irrigation.
(3) A person issued a discretionary permit shall obtain a water use authorization as part of the permitting process for each building permit or for each project segment that requires installation of a water meter or connection to an existing water meter.
(c) A water use authorization issued by the County shall establish the allowed MAWA for property on which a project that is subject to this chapter is located.
(d) Once the County establishes the MAWA for a property, no person shall exceed the MAWA on that property, unless the County agrees to modify the MAWA, as provided in section 86.724.
(e) Any person may examine the water use authorization establishing the MAWA for a property at the Department of Planning & Development Services during normal business hours.
(Amended by Ord. No. 10224 (N.S.), effective 10-25-12)
(a) The Director of PDS shall administer and enforce this chapter, except that the Director of PDS may refer an application for a water use authorization to the Director of Public Works, Director of Parks and Recreation or the Director of General Services for processing.
(b) The Director of PDS shall prepare a landscape design manual that provides guidance to applicants on how to comply with the requirements of this chapter. The manual shall also provide guidance for a person with an existing landscaped area on how to increase water use efficiency and avoid wasting water.
(Amended by Ord. No. 10224 (N.S.), effective 10-25-12)
An applicant for a building permit for a new single family residence or non-residential project subject to this chapter where the aggregate landscaped area of the project is greater than 500 square feet but less than 2,500 square feet shall, as a condition of obtaining a building permit, submit a Landscape Documentation Package or a landscape plan compliant with the Prescriptive Compliance Option in this chapter. The application process shall include establishing a MAWA for the project.
(a) Except as otherwise provided, an applicant for a building permit for a project described in section 86.703(a) shall submit a Landscape Documentation Package with the permit application.
(b) An applicant for a building permit for a project described in section 86.703(b) is eligible to conform to the Prescriptive Compliance Option specified in this chapter in lieu of submitting a Landscape Documentation Package.
(c) The Landscape Documentation Package required by subsection (a) shall contain the following:
(1) A project description that includes the date, project applicant, project location identified by address or parcel/lot number, total landscaped area in square feet, project type (e.g., new, modified, public, private, cemetery), water supply type (e.g., potable, recycled, well, graywater), checklist of all documents included in the Landscape Documentation Package, and project contacts for the applicant and property owner if different.
(2) A soil management report that complies with section 86.708 that analyzes soil composition within each landscaped area of the project.
(3) A landscaping and irrigation plan that complies with section 86.709 that describes the landscaping and irrigation for the project.
(4) A water efficient landscape worksheet that complies with section 86.711 that calculates the MAWA and the ETWU for the project.
(5) A grading design plan that complies with section 86.710 that describes the grading of the project.
(6) Evidence of compliance with section 86.718 for projects with model homes.
(a) The soil management report shall contain the following information:
(1) An analysis completed by a properly certified or accredited laboratory using accepted industry protocol. The analysis shall be of the soil for the proposed landscaped areas of the project that includes information about the soil texture, soil infiltration rate, pH, total soluble salts, sodium, and percent organic matter.
(2) Recommendations about soil amendments that may be necessary to foster plant growth and plant survival in the landscaped area using efficient irrigation techniques. Locally produced, non-petroleum based soil amendments shall be preferred.
(b) When a project involves mass grading of a site the applicant shall submit a soil management report that complies with subsection (a) above with the Certificate of Completion required by section 86.725.
(c) In projects with multiple landscape installations (i.e., production home developments) a soil sampling rate of 1 in 7 lots or approximately 15 percent will satisfy this requirement. Large landscape projects shall sample at a rate equivalent to 1 in 7 lots. Mass grading projects shall provide a soil sampling test for every 25,000 square feet of area graded.