A person who obtains a permit to construct a single family residential development that contains one or more landscaped model homes shall use signs and written information to demonstrate the principles of water efficient landscapes and provide education on water efficient behaviors described in this ordinance.
(a) Signs shall be used to identify the model as an example of a water efficient landscape featuring elements such as hydrozones, irrigation equipment, and others that contribute to the overall water efficient theme.
(b) Signs shall include information about the site water use as designed per this ordinance; specify who designed and installed the water efficient landscape; and demonstrate low water use approaches to landscaping such as using native plants, graywater systems, and rainwater catchment systems. Signs shall also include information about how the project is addressing carbon sequestration, harvesting rainwater with rain barrels to reduce demand on outdoor potable water use, the description and use of vegetated structural BMPs, or any other vegetated BMPs, installed to meet stormwater requirements to reduce pollutant load, and the placement of trees to provide summer shading and light during winter months to reduce demand on the use of electricity.
(c) Information shall be provided about designing, installing, managing, and maintaining water efficient landscapes. Provide copies of all information as part of the Landscape Documentation Package.
(d) Plans shall show the locations of all signs and provide construction details of each sign along with a copy of the specific text included on each sign.
(e) Plans shall show location of two trees for each model home for compliance with Section 86.709(b)(10).
(Amended by Ord. No. 10224 (N.S.), effective 10-25-12)