(a) A landscape project subject to this chapter shall not exceed the MAWA. The MAWA for a new landscape project shall be determined by the following calculation:
MAWA = (ETo)(0.62) [(ETAF x LA) + ((1-ETAF) x SLA)]
(b) The abbreviations used in the equation have the following meanings:
(1) MAWA = Maximum Applied Water Allowance in gallons per year, or annual gallons allowed.
(2) ETo = Evapotranspiration in inches per year.
(3) 0.62 = Conversion factor to gallons per square foot.
(4) ETAF (0.42 for residential and non-residential areas).
(5) LA = Landscaped area, including the special landscaped area in square feet.
(6) 1-ETAF = the additional ET adjustment factor for a special landscaped area
(7) SLA = Portion of the landscaped area identified as a special landscaped area in square feet.
(c) If a public water purveyor establishes a MAWA for a property that is different than the MAWA established pursuant to this chapter, the stricter MAWA shall prevail.