(a) The head of any County office or department, upon approval of the Chief Administrative Officer, and any member of the Board may provide at County expense or be reimbursed for the expense of providing meals to any person in the service of the County, including themselves, when such persons in performing their duties are attending conferences or meetings, at which County business is conducted during a meal period. The cost of such meals shall not exceed the amounts specified in Section 472. Reimbursement for such expenses shall be on an exceptional basis rather than a routine basis. Meetings should be scheduled outside of meal periods whenever possible. Exceptions can be made only when it can be clearly demonstrated that the County will either directly or indirectly benefit from such expenses.
(b) Any member of the Board and head of any County office or department may provide at County expense or be reimbursed for the expense of providing refreshments to any person in the service of the County, including themselves, when such persons in performing their duties are attending conferences, workshops, or meetings, at which County business is conducted. The cost of refreshments, including minor snacks and supplies such as cups, napkins, etc., shall not exceed $5.00 per person unless approved by the Chief Administrative Officer, or authorized designee. This reimbursement allowance is not intended for routine meetings, but should be limited to select instances where circumstances warrant, such as offsite retreats, team building, and other special events.
(Amended by Ord. No. 9314 (N.S.), effective 4-12-01, operative 4-30-01; amended by Ord. No. 9878 (N.S.), effective 10-18-07; amended by Ord. No. 10362 (N.S.), effective 1-1-15; amended by Ord. No. 10816 (N.S.), effective 1-12-23)
Whenever during mealtime and in the performance of their duties, members of the San Diego County Grand Jury or members of noncompensated County advisory boards, commissions or committees are engaged in field inspection trips or visiting a County facility where meals are not served, the County officer responsible for such trips or visit may furnish meals at County expense to all members of the group, including County officers and employees accompanying them, or may be reimbursed for their expense of furnishing such meals. The cost of such meals shall not exceed the amounts specified in Section 472.
(Amended by Ord. No. 10362 (N.S.), effective 1-1-15)
The officer in charge of a County facility at which meals are served, may furnish meals without charge to the following persons when such persons, in the performance of their duties or while rendering service, are present at such facility during the time when meals are being served:
(a) A person in the service of the County or a person donating service to the County.
(b) Members of the Grand Jury at such facility on official business.
(Amended by Ord. No. 10362 (N.S.), effective 1-1-15)
(a) The head of a County office or department may provide at County expense or be reimbursed for providing transportation, meals and lodging as hereinafter specified:
(1) When a person, at the request of such head of an office or department, furnishes services to the County without compensation (other than reimbursement for actual and necessary travel expenses), and the period during which the services are performed includes mealtime, the person may be furnished a meal during such period.
(2) When a person, at the request of such head of an office or department furnishes services to the County without compensation (other than reimbursement of actual and necessary travel expenses) and the performance of said services requires that the person travel to a County facility, such person may be furnished transportation, meals and lodging necessarily incidental to the performance of such services, or may be reimbursed the expense incurred therefor. Such person may also be reimbursed unusual costs which are reasonable and necessary for the person to travel to and attend a meeting when requested by the head of an office or department, such as the cost of an attendant to care for the person while traveling to and from and attending the meeting.
(b) Where a person, at the request of the Director, Department of Human Resources, serves on a board of special examiners (consisting of one or more persons) without compensation (other than actual and necessary travel expenses), the Director may furnish at County expense or be reimbursed the expense of furnishing such person transportation, meals and lodging necessarily incidental to the performance of such services or such person may be reimbursed the expense incurred therefor.
(c) The Director, Department of Human Resources, may from time to time assign employees of the department to accompany the special examining boards at meal time for the purpose of discussing with such boards the examining procedures and other matters relating to conduct of civil service examinations. The Director may furnish at County expense a meal to such employee or be reimbursed the expense of furnishing such meal or such employee may be reimbursed the expense of furnishing such meal or such employee may be reimbursed the expense incurred therefor.
(d) The Chief Administrative Officer may authorize the head of a department or office to furnish or reimburse at County expense the costs of transportation, meals and lodging incurred by candidates appearing before an appointing authority or special examining board for appointment consideration to an unclassified executive, or unclassified management position, or other positions identified by the Director of Human Resources as requiring extraordinary scientific, professional or expert qualifications. Such candidates must have been certified as finalists in the selection process established by the Director of Human Resources for a vacant position in the classes designated above.
(e) The cost of transportation, meals and lodging furnished pursuant to this section shall not exceed the amounts specified in Section 472.
(Amended by Ord. No. 7427 (N.S.), effective 2-4-88; amended by Ord. No. 7716 (N.S.), operative 3-1-90; amended by Ord. No. 7771 (N.S.), operative 8-2-90; amended by Ord. No. 9314 (N.S.), effective 4-12-01, operative 4-30-01; amended by Ord. No. 9822 (N.S.), effective 1-9-07, operative 1-19-07; amended by Ord. No. 9929 (N.S.), effective 3-25-08, operative 3-28-08; amended by Ord. No. 10362 (N.S.), effective 1-1-15)
Persons engaging in training exercises of the County Disaster Preparedness organization as duly enrolled members thereof, may in consideration of such services either as volunteer members, or as County employees assigned to the training and supervision of such volunteer members, be furnished at County expense, food or other refreshment.
(Amended by Ord. No. 10362 (N.S.), effective 1-1-15)
Any officer of the County who is sworn by the Court to keep together a jury which has retired to deliberate, pursuant to Section 1128 of the Penal Code or Section 613 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall be allowed expenses for meals and lodging necessarily incidental to the performance of duties pursuant to such order.
(Amended by Ord. No. 10362 (N.S.), effective 1-1-15)
(a) Any Reserve Deputy Sheriff who has been directed by the Sheriff to perform voluntary service during a law enforcement or rescue mission and such service continues for four or more hours, and any Reserve Deputy Sheriff who has been directed by the Sheriff to engage in scheduled search and rescue field training exercises, shall be allowed expenses for transportation, meals, and lodging necessarily incidental to the performance of duties pursuant to such directions.
(b) The cost of transportation, meals and lodging furnished pursuant to this section shall not exceed the amounts specified in Section 472.
(Amended by Ord. No. 10362 (N.S.), effective 1-1-15)
In addition to reimbursement for allowable actual and necessary expenses as provided for in this Article, members of designated boards, committees and commissions of the County of San Diego shall be paid reasonable travel expenses for actual travel to and from their usual place of business to any place of meeting of said board, committee or commission of which they are a member within the county at the mileage rate established in Section 472. The Board of Supervisors shall by resolution designate the specific boards, committees and commissions entitled to reimbursement pursuant to this provision. All claims authorized under this section shall be prepared and submitted monthly to the appropriate County department payroll clerk on the proper Auditor and Controller claim form and shall contain:
(1) Reference to this section; and
(2) Dates, hours, location and description of the activity involved, including transportation distance.
(Amended by Ord. No. 7602 (N.S.), effective 4-13-89; amended by Ord. No. 10362 (N.S.), effective 1-1-15; amended by Ord. No. 10402 (N.S.), effective 1-14-16)