The following fees and charges shall be paid to the San Diego County Medical Examiner or the County collection agent.
(a) Certification of Copies of Documents and Fees | ||
1. Certification of Documents | $3.10 cert. | |
2. Printing and photocopying of Documents | $1.60 page | |
3. CD of Digital Photographs | $23.70 CD | |
(b) Fees for Technical Laboratory Services | ||
1. Family Requested Autopsy | $4,876.20 each | |
2. Formal Neuropathologic Analysis - this service/fee is included in the cost for a Family Requested Autopsy | ||
3. Observer Safety Clothing | $7.40 each | |
4. Histology | ||
Use of Histology Equipment: | ||
30-minute use of Photo Microscope | $30.60 each | |
(Ord. No. 10151 (N.S.), effective 7-14-11; renumbered by Ord. No. 10242 (N.S.), effective 2-7-13; amended by Ord. No. 10531 (N.S.), effective 5-24-18; amended by Ord. No. 10905 (N.S.), effective 6-20-24)
The following fees shall be paid to the Finance and General Government Group for the specified Community Facilities District ("CFD"), conduit, Tax, Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 ("TEFRA") fees and other related services:
Name | Fee |
CFD Issuance | 17 basis points of par value |
CFD Administration | $8,547 |
Conduit Administration | 1.1 basis points of outstanding par value |
TEFRA | $991 |
This fee is assessed to nonprofit public benefit organizations or for-profit corporations with a public benefit project wishing to issue revenue obligations. The organization and/or corporation, in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 147 (f), must receive approval from an applicable legislative body or the entity cannot proceed with the financing. This fee reimburses the County for costs associated with the applicable legislative body approval.
Conduit Administration/Annual Fee:
This fee is assessed annually to a conduit borrower for each bond financing to cover the costs associated with the oversight of the long-term obligations after the bonds have been issued.
Community Facilities District Issuance Fee:
This fee is assessed to each bond financing to reimburse the County for costs associated with the oversight of the financing structure and long-term bond sale on behalf of a specific community facilities district.
Community Facilities District Administration/Annual Fee:
This fee is assessed annually to a community facilities district for each bond financing to cover the costs for oversight of the long-term obligations after the bonds have been issued.
Additional costs may be charged to the CFD during bond issuance that are not included in the calculation of the CFD Issuance Fee. Those costs may include but not limited to contracted services, disclosure/dissemination fees or other administration costs and will be billed directly to the CFD based on actual costs billed to the County. Additional costs may be charged to the Conduit Issuer and/or CFD during annual administration of the bond issuance that are not included in the calculation of the CFD or Conduit Administration Fee. Those costs may include but not limited to contracted services, Trustee fees or other administrative costs that will be billed directly to the CFD or Conduit Issuer based on actual costs billed to the County.
(Added by Ord. No. 10601 (N.S.), effective 5-30-19; amended by Ord. No. 10778 (N.S.), effective 5-26-22)
(1) The following fees and charges shall be paid to the Department of Animal Services or the County collection agent:
Description | Fee
Description | Fee
Dog License - 12 months (Altered) | 20.00 |
Dog License - 24 months (Altered) | 35.00 |
Dog License - 36 months (Altered) | 50.00 |
Dog License - 12 months (Unaltered) | 60.00 |
Dog License - 24 months (Unaltered) | 100.00 |
Dog License - 36 months (Unaltered) | 150.00 |
Dog License - late fee | 25.00 |
Dog License - transfer fee | 10.00 |
Dog License - tag replacement | 10.00 |
Dog License - change of ownership | 10.00 |
Impound - fowl | 30.00 |
Impound - dog, cat, small animal | 45.00 |
Impound - sheep, goat, medium animal | 45.00 |
Impound - equine, bovine, large animal | 70.00 |
Impound - dog found at large a second time | 60.00 |
Impound - dog found at large a third/subsequent time | 85.00 |
Impound - intact dog found at large a second or subsequent time | 150.00 |
Relinquishment of dog, cat, small animal - at shelter | 60.00 |
Relinquishment of dog, cat, small animal - in field | 75.00 |
Boarding - dog, cat, small animal | 25.00 |
Boarding - sheep, goat, medium animal | 35.00 |
Boarding - equine, bovine, large animal | 80.00 |
Medical - feline leukemia test | 25.00 |
Medical - veterinarian care per hour | 125.00 |
Medical - vaccinations - per injection | 20.00 |
Medical - Spay/Neuter for male cats, male rabbits | 50.00 |
Medical - Spay/Neuter for male dogs, 0 - 30 lbs., female cats, female rabbits | 75.00 |
Medical - Spay/Neuter for male dogs, 31 - 60 lbs., female dogs 0 - 30 lbs. | 85.00 |
Medical - Spay/Neuter for male dogs, 61+ lbs., female dogs 31 - 60 lbs. | 95.00 |
Medical - Spay/Neuter for female dogs 61+ lbs. | 105.00 |
Adoption - kitten | 100.00 |
Adoption - cat | 75.00 |
Adoption - puppy | 150.00 |
Adoption - dog | 85.00 |
Adoption - rabbit | 30.00 |
Adoption - dog/cat over 5 years | 50.00 |
Adoption by Senior/Disabled person | No fee |
Adoption by Senior/Disabled person of 5-years & older animal | No fee |
Miscellaneous - livestock trailer fee (per trip, per owner) | 98.00 |
Miscellaneous - spay/neuter fee or deposit | 75.00 |
Miscellaneous - microchip fee plus registration | 25.00 |
Miscellaneous - after hours redemption fee | 25.00 |
Miscellaneous - redemption fee for persons who do not reside within Department jurisdiction | 65.00 |
Owner-Requested Euthanasia - at shelter | 40.00 |
Owner-Requested Euthanasia - in field | 75.00 |
Owner-Requested Euthanasia (rabies quarantine) - at shelter for pathology | 45.00 |
Owner-Requested Euthanasia (rabies quarantine) - in field for pathology | 55.00 |
Quarantine - fee per visit | 60.00 |
Kennel license application fee | 150.00 |
Kennel license late fee (if fees are received less than six months after license expiration) | 25.00 |
Kennel license late fee (if fees are received more than six months after license expiration) | 75.00 |
Kennel deficiency follow-up inspection (each inspection) | 75.00 |
Dangerous Dog or Public Nuisance initial registration fee | 150.00 |
Dangerous Dog or Public Nuisance registration late fee | 75.00 |
Dangerous Dog or Public Nuisance inspection fee | 75.00 |
Dangerous Dog or Public Nuisance annual renewal | 100.00 |
Dangerous Dog or Public Nuisance renewal late fee | 75.00 |
Owner Requested Dead on Arrival (DOA) | 35.00 |
Guard dogs - annual operator permit fee | 150.00 |
Guard dogs - premises permit fee (includes one inspection) | 50.00 |
Guard dogs - additional inspections | 50.00 |
Protection dogs - annual premises permit fee (includes one inspection) | 30.00 |
Protection dogs - additional inspections | 30.00 |
(2) Whether or not a fee for dog licensing or animal control services is applicable shall be determined by the Director of the Department of Animal Services (Director).
(3) Fees shall be paid when due except that the Director may authorize a payment arrangement or reduce or waive any fee in whole or in part as provided in Section 62.604 (b) of the Code of Regulatory Ordinances.
(1) FEE EXEMPT DOG LICENSES: Guide, signal, and service dogs as defined in Penal Code section 365.5(d), (e), and (f) or Civil Code section 54.1(b)(6)(C); dogs that have served with the armed forces of the United States of America; dogs that provide services to a law enforcement agency; and dogs kept on federal Indian trust or restricted land within the boundaries of the County are eligible for a fee exempt license.
To qualify for this exemption, the dog must be currently vaccinated against rabies in accordance with State and County laws relating to vaccination and licensing of dogs, and the owner must furnish an affidavit or declaration to this effect under penalty of perjury on a form furnished by the Director. A license fee exemption granted for one dog may not be transferred to another dog.
(2) ONE-TIME FEE EXEMPTION FOR ADOPTED DOGS: Any resident of the unincorporated area of San Diego County who adopts a dog from the Department shall be issued a one-time, one-year free dog license.
(c) LICENSE DURATION AND EXPIRATION: Dog licenses are valid for up to 12, 24, or 36 months from the date of issue, depending on the fees paid or exempted and the remaining anti-rabies immunity duration period. However, in no instance shall a license be issued for a period beyond the date on which anti-rabies revaccination is due.
(d) LATE FEE: The dog license late fee shall apply if the application for a dog license or renewal is not received or postmarked on or before the time period specified in San Diego Code of Regulatory Ordinances, section 62.620.
The owner or custodian of a dog is responsible for renewing his or her dog license before it expires. The failure to receive a Department courtesy notice does not relieve the owner or custodian from the obligation to renew the dog license on time or pay a late fee.
(e) TRANSFER OF JURISDICTION LICENSE FEE: Owners of dogs having a current license issued through an authorized licensing agency other than the County of San Diego may be issued a transfer license valid for up to 12 months upon payment of the applicable transfer of jurisdiction license fee. The rabies vaccination or application for vaccination exemption must meet all requirements for licensing purposes under the San Diego County Code. A late fee may be applied if the application is not made within 30 days after the owner of the dog first resides in a jurisdiction where animal control services are provided by the County of San Diego.
(f) LICENSE TAG REPLACEMENT FEE: A replacement license tag may be issued upon payment of the replacement tag fee. No changes may be made to the expiration date of the actual license. Replacement license tags are not subject to a late fee.
(g) CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP FEE: A dog license reflecting a change of ownership may be issued to the new owner of a dog that was currently licensed through the Department upon payment of the applicable fee. The new license shall be valid for the same period as the original license. A late fee shall apply if the application is not received or postmarked on or before 30 days after the date the dog was obtained.
(h) REFUND OF MONEY FOR LICENSE FEES PAID: Dog license fees may be refunded under the following circumstances:
(1) A license was not required when it was issued and is not required when a refund application is submitted; or
(2) An overpayment was made.
(i) IMPOUND FEES: Cumulative violations for impound fees refer to the owner regardless of the dog involved. The impound fee for a lactating mother includes all nursing offspring. The Director may determine fees to recover the Department's costs to impound a wild or exotic animal and/or for any private animal transportation services.
(j) RELINQUISHMENT FEES: Relinquishment fee for a lactating mother includes all nursing offspring. The Director may determine fees to recover the Department's costs to accept and board other relinquished animals not listed in subdivision (a)(1).
(k) BOARD FEES: Board fees apply per day, not including the day of impoundment for a small or medium sized animal. Large animal board fees for the first day of impoundment shall be one half of the daily fee. The Director may determine fees to recover the Department's costs for boarding a wild or exotic animal and/or for any off-site animal boarding services.
(l) MEDICAL FEES: The Director may determine fees to recover the Department's costs for any vaccinations, medications, and other medical supplies, and for any medical services provided by a private veterinary facility or laboratory. The fee for a rabies vaccination shall not exceed the current California Department of Health Services approved "Actual Cost" vaccination fee as published in the California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention.
(m) ADOPTION FEES: The Director may determine fees to recover the Department's costs for adoption of animals not listed in subdivision (a)(1). For purposes of adoption fees, a "senior" is a person who is at least 60 years old, and "disabled" means a recipient of either Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability payments, or an individual with a disability as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(n) EUTHANASIA FEES: The Director may determine fees to recover the Department's costs for owner-requested euthanasia of animals not listed in subdivision (a)(1).
(o) QUARANTINE FEES: The quarantine fee applies per visit by an animal control officer for a rabies quarantine effected at any location other than a County animal shelter. Animals quarantined at a County animal shelter shall be subject to the normal impound, medical, and board fees.
(Added by Ord. No. 10612 (N.S.), effective 7-4-19; amended by Ord. No. 10843 (N.S.), effective 6-22-23)
The following fees shall be charged to non-district residents of County Service Areas 17 and 69 for ambulance services originating within County Service Area 17 and 69 territories by County Service Area 17 and 69 providers:
Advanced Life Support Transport: $1,050.00
Basic Life Support Transport: $1,050.00
Non-Transport (treat & release): $150.00
Mileage: $20.00/mile (minimum 1 mile)
Oxygen: $65.00
Night Charge (1900 - 0700 hours): $40.00
(Added by Ord. No. 10754 (N.S.), effective 12-2-21)
A fee of $900.00 and a mileage charge of $20.00 per mile (minimum 1 mile) shall be charged to residents of County Service Area 69 who are transported from within County Service Area 69 territory for Basic or Advanced Life Support to a hospital by a County Service Area 69 provider. The Deputy Chief Administrative Officer or designee may waive said fee for those residents financially unable to pay the fee.
(Added by Ord. No. 10754 (N.S.), effective 12-2-21; amended by Ord. No. 10774 (N.S.), effective 5-5-22)
A fee of $2,500.00 and a mileage charge of $40.00 per mile (minimum 1 mile) shall be charged for transports originating from a territory outside of County Service Areas 17 and 69 to a hospital by a County Service Area 17 or 69 provider.
(Added by Ord. No. 10754 (N.S.), effective 12-2-21)
A fee of $400.00 and a mileage charge of $20.00 per mile (minimum 1 mile) shall be charged to residents of County Service Area 17 who are transported from within County Service Area 17 territory for Basic or Advanced Life Support to a hospital by a County Service Area 17 provider. The Deputy Chief Administrative Officer or designee may waive said fee for those residents financially unable to pay the fee.
(Added by Ord. No. 10754 (N.S.), effective 12-2-21; amended by Ord. No. 10775 (N.S.), effective 5-5-22)