A. Number of Stacking Spaces Required: The following standards apply for all uses with vehicle stacking and/or drive-through facilities.
1. All uses with drive-through facilities shall provide the minimum number of on-site stacking spaces indicated in Table 21A.44.080-A, "Required Vehicle Stacking Spaces".
Use | General Context | Neighborhood Center Context | Urban Center Context | Transit Context |
All zoning districts not listed in another context area | RB, SNB, CB, CN, R-MU-35, R-MU-45, SR-3, FB-UN1, FB-SE, SSSC Overlay | D-2, MU, TSA-T, CSHBD1, CSHBD2 | D-1, D-3, D-4, G-MU, TSA-C, UI, FB-UN2, FB-MU11, FB-SC, R-MU, MU- 8 | |
Car Wash, Self-Service | 3 spaces per bay or stall | 2 spaces per bay or stall | ||
Car Wash, Automated | 4 spaces per lane or stall | 3 spaces per lane or stall | ||
Food and Beverage Service Uses | 5 spaces per service lane | 4 spaces per service lane | ||
Other Uses | 3 spaces per service lane | 3 spaces per service lane |
B. Location and Design of Drive-Through Facilities:
1. In zoning districts where uses with drive-through facilities are allowed and where no front or corner side yard setback is required, the drive-through lanes shall not be located between the front or corner side lot line and any walls of the principal building.
2. Drive-through lanes shall be arranged to avoid conflicts with site access points, access to parking or loading spaces, and internal circulation routes, to the maximum extent practicable.
3. In the General Context zoning districts, a by-pass lane, driveway, or other circulation area around a drive-through facility stacking lane shall be provided for all uses other than automated car washes. financial institutions and restaurant/retail uses.
4. All required stacking spaces shall measure nine (9) feet by twenty (20) feet and shall be counted from the point of service, or final service window.
5. Air quality: Drive through facilities shall post idle-free signs pursuant to Chapter 12.58 of this code.
6. When a drive through use adjoins any residential use or any residential zoning district, a minimum six foot (6') high masonry wall shall be erected and maintained along such property line.
7. Drive through facility will not result in adverse impacts upon the vicinity after giving consideration to the hours of operation, noise and light generation, traffic circulation, and the site plan. (Ord. 37-24, 2024: Ord. 75-23, 2023: Ord. 67-22, 2022)
Applicants requesting development permits or approvals may request adjustments to the standards and requirements in this Chapter 21A.44, "Off Street Parking, Mobility, and Loading", and the city may approve adjustments to those standards, as described below.
A. Administrative Modifications: The planning director or transportation director may approve the following types of modifications provided that the director determines that the adjustment will not create adverse impacts on pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicle safety and that the adjustment is required to accommodate an unusual site feature (such as shape, topography, utilities, or access point constraints) and that the need for the adjustment has not been created by the actions of the applicant.
1. Modification to dimensions or geometries of parking, loading, or stacking space, aisles, or maneuvering areas otherwise required by this chapter, other city regulations, or the Off Street Parking Standards Manual; provided that those modifications are consistent with federal and state laws regarding persons with disabilities, including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
2. Modifications to bicycle parking or loading berth location or design standards.
3. Front Yard Parking: For any zoning district, if front yard parking is prohibited in Table 21A.44.060-A, "Parking Location and Setback Requirements", it may be allowed if all of the following conditions are met:
a. The lot contains an existing residential building.
b. No other off-street parking exists on the site.
c. No provided side yard is greater than 8 feet. If greater than eight (8) feet, no tree over six (6) inches in caliper is present in the side yard that would necessitate the removal of the tree to locate a parking stall in the side yard or rear yard.
d. The rear yard is not accessible through a side yard in as provided in Subsection A.3.c and does not have frontage on a public street or public alley and the property does not have access rights across an adjacent private street or alley.
e. The front yard parking complies with the following standards:
(1) The front yard parking is limited to no wider than ten (10) feet in width and is a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet.
(2) The front yard parking is accessed by an approved drive approach.
(3) The location of the front yard parking is placed within ten (10) feet of a side lot line or for corner properties, may also be within ten (10) feet of a rear lot line and is consistent with the location of other driveways on the block face.
4. Vehicle and Equipment Storage Without Hard Surfacing:
a. The property is located in a CG, M-1, M-2, M-1A, or EI zoning district.
b. The lot is used for long-term vehicle storage, not for regular parking and/or maneuvering.
c. The storage areas are not located within any required front yard or corner side yard.
d. The storage area surface is compacted with 6 inches of road base or other similar material with dust control measures in place.
e. A mechanism, such as a wash bay, gravel guard, or rumble strip is used to remove mud, sand, dirt, and gravel from the vehicle with a minimum of fifty (50) feet of paved driveway between the mechanism and a public street. The mechanism used is subject to approval by the transportation director or designee provided it is a commonly used device that is effective at removing debris from vehicle tires. (Ord. 3-25, 2025: Ord. 67-22, 2022)
A. Use of Parking Areas: Except as otherwise provided in this section, required off street parking facilities provided for uses listed in Table 21A.44.040-A, "Minimum and Maximum Off Street Parking" shall be solely for the parking of automobiles or authorized temporary uses.
B. Maintenance:
1. Space allocated to any off street loading berth or related access or maneuvering area shall not be used to satisfy the parking space requirements for any off street parking.
2. Except in the M-1, M-2, M-1A, CG, and D districts, no cleaning or maintenance of loading areas using motorized equipment may be performed between ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. each day, except for snow removal. (Ord. 3-25, 2025: Ord. 67-22, 2022)
Nonconforming parking and loading facilities shall be subject to the standards established in Chapter 21A.38, "Nonconforming Uses and Noncomplying Structures", and the criteria established in this section.
A. Continuation of Nonconforming Parking and Loading Facilities: Any parking spaces, loading facilities, or drive approaches that were lawfully existing or created prior to the effective date of this ordinance, but that have since become nonconforming with the provisions of this chapter through the actions of the city or any governmental entity, shall be allowed to continue, but any expansion of the use or structure, or change of use, after the adoption date of this ordinance shall comply with the provisions of this Chapter 21A.44, "Off Street Parking, Mobility, and Loading".
B. Nonconformity Due to Governmental Acquisition: Where a lot, tract, or parcel is occupied by a lawful structure or use, and where the acquisition of right-of-way by eminent domain, dedication, or purchase by a city, county, state, or federal agency creates noncompliance of the parking, loading, or drive-through facilities with any requirement of this chapter, the parking, loading, or drive-through facility shall be deemed lawful and conforming. This designation shall apply only to noncompliance resulting directly from the acquisition of right-of-way.
C. Damage or Destruction: Reconstruction, reestablishment, or repair of any nonconforming parking, loading, or drive- through area involuntarily damaged or destroyed by fire, collapse, explosion or other natural cause is not required to comply with the standards of this chapter. The parking and loading facilities may be restored or continued as they existed prior to the damage or destruction, or in a manner that reduces any nonconformity that existed prior to the damage or destruction.
D. Legalization of Garages Converted to Residential Use: Garages attached to single-family and two-family residential structures converted to residential uses before April 12, 1995, and any associated front yard parking, may be legalized by complying with the following requirements:
1. The property owner shall obtain a building permit for all building modifications associated with conve1ting the garage to residential use and the city shall inspect the conversion for substantial compliance with adopted life safety regulations.
2. The driveway leading to the converted garage shall not be removed without replacing the same number of parking spaces (up to the minimum required by this chapter) in a location authorized by this chapter.
3. Parking on the driveway in the front yard is restricted to passenger vehicles only. (Ord. 70-24, 2024: Ord. 67-22, 2022)