A.   Amounts of Parking, Loading, and Drive-Through Facilities Required: The standards of this chapter are intended to establish: minimum and maximum amounts of vehicle parking; minimum required bicycle parking, minimum required loading facilities, and minimum capacity of drive-through facilities and shall apply to projects involving the activities listed below. In some instances, other standards of this chapter provide alternatives for required compliance. Certain exemptions are intended to encourage utilization of existing structures and preserve desirable characteristics of locations built prior to parking requirements.
      1.   New Development: Unless otherwise exempted by Section 21A.44.020.A.4, the standards in this chapter shall apply to all development and land uses upon adoption of this ordinance.
      2.   Expansion of Use or Structure: The number of off street parking and loading spaces for the expansion of a use or structure shall comply with the requirements of Table 21A.44.040-A, "Minimum and Maximum Off Street Parking" and the standards of this chapter when:
         a.   One or more additional dwelling units is created; or
         b.   The addition to or expansion of one or more structures or uses that, when considered together with any other expansions during the previous two-year period, would increase the total usable floor area of the structure(s) by more than twenty-five percent (25%); or
         c.   The addition to or expansion of one (1) or more structures or uses that requires conditional use permit approval.
      3.   Change of Use:
         a.   Except when located within an Urban Center or Transit Context, or as stated in Subsection b below, off street parking shall be provided pursuant to this chapter for any change of use that increases the minimum number of required vehicle parking spaces by:
            (1)   More than ten (10) parking spaces; or
            (2)   More than twenty-five percent (25%) of the parking spaces that currently exist on-site or on permitted off-site locations.
         b.   For changes in use in buildings built prior to 1944, no additional parking shall be required beyond what is existing.
      4.   Exemptions from Parking Requirements: The following shall be exempt from providing the minimum parking required by Table 21A.44.040-A, "Minimum and Maximum Off Street Parking", but shall comply with maximum parking allowed and location and design standards in Section 21A.44.060 if parking is provided:
         a.   Lots created prior to April 12,1995 that are less than five thousand (5,000) square feet in lot area, except those being used for single-family, two-family, and twin home dwelling uses;
         b.   Expansions or enlargements that increase the square footage of usable floor area of an existing structure or parking requirements for the use by twenty-five percent (25%) or less, provided that existing off street parking and loading areas are not removed.
   B.   Location and Design: Section 21A.44.060, "Parking Location and Design", shall apply to all vehicle parking, bicycle parking, loading, and drive-through facilities, regardless of whether the project is subject to the requirements for additional parking spaces or other facilities pursuant to Subsection 21A.44.020.A above. Parking garages are subject to design standards found in Subsection 21A.44.060.A.16 and specific requirements of other zoning districts found in Subsection 21A.44.060.B.
   C.   Demolition of Housing for Parking: The demolition of a dwelling unit for the purpose of increasing the number of parking stalls or modifying a parking lot for an existing land use is prohibited if the demolition results in a net loss of dwellings. (Ord. 72-24, 2024: Ord. 67-22, 2022)