21A.44.010: PURPOSE:
This chapter is intended to require that new development and redevelopment projects provide off street parking and loading facilities in proportion to the parking, loading, and transportation demands of the buildings and land uses included in those projects. This chapter is also intended to help protect the public health, safety, and general welfare by:
   A.   Avoiding and mitigating traffic congestion and reducing the financial burden on taxpayer funded roadways;
   B.   Providing necessary access for service and emergency vehicles:
   C.   Providing for safe and convenient interaction between vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians;
   D.   Providing flexible methods of responding to the transportation and access demands of various land uses in different areas of the city;
   E.   Reducing storm water runoff, reducing heat island effect from large expanses of pavement, improving water quality, and minimizing dust pollution;
   F.   Establishing context-sensitive parking standards to reflect the current and future built environment of neighborhoods; and
   G.   Avoiding and mitigating the adverse visual and environmental impacts of large concentrations of exposed parking. (Ord. 67-22, 2022)