21A.32.010: General Provisions
21A.32.020: RP Research Park District
21A.32.030: BP Business Park District
21A.32.040: FP Foothills Protection District
21A.32.050: AG Agricultural District
21A.32.052: AG-2 Agricultural District
21A.32.054: AG-5 Agricultural District
21A.32.056: AG-20 Agricultural District
21A.32.060: A Airport District
21A.32.070: PL Public Lands District
21A.32.075: PL-2 Public Lands District
21A.32.080: I Institutional District
21A.32.090: UI Urban Institutional District
21A.32.100: OS Open Space District
21A.32.105: NOS Natural Open Space District
21A.32.110: MH Mobile Home Park District
21A.32.120: EI Extractive Industries District
21A.32.130: MU Mixed Use District
21A.32.140: JRF Jordan River Fairpark District
A. Statement Of Intent: Certain geographic areas of the city contain land uses or platting patterns that do not fit traditional zoning classifications (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial) or uniform bulk regulations. These areas currently contain special land uses (e.g., airports or medical centers) which have a unique character, or contain mixed land uses which are difficult to regulate using uniform bulk and density standards. Because these areas have unique land uses, platting patterns and resources, special districts are needed to respond to these conditions. These special purpose districts are further intended to maintain the integrity of these areas, allow for greater flexibility in site design, and achieve the specialized goals for these areas.
B. Site Plan Review: In certain districts, permitted uses and conditional uses have the potential for adverse impacts if located and laid out without careful planning. Such impacts may interfere with the use and enjoyment of adjacent property and uses. Site plan review is a process designed to address such adverse impacts and minimize them where possible. Site plan review of development proposals is required in the RP, BP, FP, PL, PL-2, I, UI, MH and MU districts. All uses in these districts shall be subject to the site plan review regulations contained in chapter 21A.58 of this title.
C. Permitted Uses: The uses specified as permitted uses in section 21A.33.070, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Special Purpose Districts", of this title, are permitted provided that they comply with all requirements of this chapter, the general standards set forth in part IV of this title and all other applicable requirements of this title.
D. Conditional Uses: The uses specified as conditional uses, in section 21A.33.070, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Special Purpose Districts", of this title, shall be allowed in the special purpose districts provided they are approved pursuant to the standards and procedures for conditional uses set forth in chapter 21A.54 of this title, and comply with all other applicable requirements of this title.
E. Accessory Uses, Buildings And Structures: Accessory uses, buildings and structures are allowed in special purpose districts subject to the requirements of this chapter, section 21A.36.020, table 21A.36.020B and chapter 21A.40 of this title.
F. Environmental Performance Standards: All uses shall conform to the environmental performance standards established in section 21A.36.180 of this title.
G. Off Street Parking And Loading: The parking and loading requirements for the special purpose districts are set forth in chapter 21A.44 of this title.
H. Signs: Signs shall be allowed in the special purpose districts in accordance with provisions of chapter 21A.46 of this title. (Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 73-02 § 2, 2002: Ord. 35-99 § 39, 1999: Ord. 12-98 § 2, 1998: Ord. 26-95 § 2(16-0), 1995)
A. Purpose Statement: The purpose of the RP Research Park District is to provide a campuslike environment for high technology research and development uses and related activities and to create employment centers that may benefit from being located near the University of Utah. This district is appropriate in areas of the City where the applicable master plans support this type of land use. The standards promote development that is intended to create an environment that is compatible with nearby areas.
B. Uses: Uses in the RP Research Park District as specified in section 21A.33.070, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Special Purpose Districts", of this title are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in section 21A.32.010 of this chapter and this section.
C. Minimum Lot Area And Lot Width:
1. Minimum lot area: Forty thousand (40,000) square feet.
2. Minimum lot width: One hundred fifty feet (150').
D. Maximum Building Height: Building height shall be limited to forty five feet (45'). Building heights in excess of forty five feet (45') but less than seventy five feet (75') may be approved through the design review process; provided, that the additional height is supported by the master plan and compatible with the adjacent neighborhood.
E. Minimum Open Space Area: The minimum open space area for any use shall not be less than thirty percent (30%) of the lot area.
F. Minimum Yard Requirements:
1. Front Yard: Thirty feet (30').
2. Corner Side Yard: Thirty feet (30').
3. Interior Side Yard: Twenty feet (20').
4. Rear Yard: Twenty five feet (25').
5. Accessory Buildings And Structures In Yards: Accessory buildings and structures may be located in required yard areas subject to section 21A.36.020, table 21A.36.020B of this title.
G. Attached Buildings On Separate Lots: Buildings on separate lots of record that are attached by a common wall along the interior side lot line may be permitted, subject to the site plan review approval pursuant to the provisions of chapter 21A.58 of this title. Where such buildings are authorized, the requirement for interior side yards in subsection F3 of this section shall be waived.
H. Landscape Yard Requirements: All of the minimum yard requirements shall be maintained as landscape yards. All landscape yards shall comply with the requirements of chapter 21A.48 of this title.
1. Front Yard: Thirty feet (30').
2. Corner Side Yard: Thirty feet (30').
3. Interior Side Yard: Eight feet (8'). Where a common access drive serves two (2) adjacent lots and extends along the side lot line to parking facilities in the rear of the lot, this landscape yard may be reduced or eliminated if the reduction or elimination is compensated for by increasing another landscape yard, subject to site plan review approval.
4. Rear Yard: Eight feet (8').
I. Landscape Buffer: Where a lot in the RP Research Park District abuts a lot in a Residential District, a landscape buffer shall be provided in conformance with the requirements of chapter 21A.48 of this title.
J. Other District Regulations: In addition to the foregoing regulations, all uses shall comply with the following requirements:
1. Enclosed Operations: All principal uses shall take place within entirely enclosed buildings.
2. Outdoor Storage: No outdoor storage shall be permitted.
3. Nuisance Impacts: Uses and processes shall be limited to those that do not create a nuisance to the use and enjoyment of adjacent property due to odor, dust, smoke, gases, vapors, noise, light, vibration, refuse matter or water carried waste. The use of explosive or radioactive materials, or any other hazardous materials, shall conform to all applicable State or Federal regulations. (Ord. 14-19, 2019: Ord. 13-19, 2019: Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 15-13, 2013: Ord. 12-11, 2011: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995: Ord. 26-95 § 2(16-1), 1995)
A. Purpose Statement: The purpose of the BP Business Park District is to provide an attractive environment for modern offices, light assembly and warehouse development and to create employment and economic development opportunities within the City in a campuslike setting. This district is appropriate in areas of the City where the applicable master plans support this type of land use. The standards promote development that is intended to create an environment that is compatible with nearby, existing developed areas.
B. Uses: Uses in the BP Business Park District as specified in section 21A.33.070, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Special Purpose Districts", of this title are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in section 21A.32.010 of this chapter and this section.
C. Minimum Lot Area And Lot Width:
1. Minimum lot area: Twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.
2. Minimum lot width: One hundred feet (100').
D. Maximum Building Height: No building shall exceed sixty feet (60') in height.
E. Minimum Open Space Area: The minimum open space area for any use shall not be less than fifteen percent (15%) of the lot area.
1. At least thirty three percent (33%) of the required open space area shall be covered with vegetation.
2. All landscaped open space areas shall conform with the water efficient landscaping standards found in Chapter 21A.48
of this title.
F. Minimum Yard Requirements:
1. Front Yard: Thirty feet (30').
2. Corner Side Yard: Thirty feet (30').
3. Interior Side Yard: Twenty feet (20').
4. Rear Yard: Twenty five feet (25').
5. Accessory Buildings And Structures In Yards: Accessory buildings and structures may be located in required yard areas subject to section 21A.36.020, table 21A.36.020B of this title.
G. Landscape Yard Requirements: All or a portion of the yards required shall be maintained as landscape yards. All landscape yards shall comply with the requirements of chapter 21A.48 of this title.
1. Front Yard: Thirty feet (30').
2. Corner Side Yard: Thirty feet (30').
3. Interior Side Yard: Eight feet (8').
4. Rear Yard: Eight feet (8').
H. Landscape Buffers: Where a lot in the BP Business Park District abuts a lot in a Residential District, landscape buffers shall be required in conformance with chapter 21A.48 of this title.
I. Other District Regulations: In addition to the foregoing regulations, all uses shall comply with the following requirements:
1. Enclosed Operations: All principal uses shall take place within entirely enclosed buildings.
2. Outdoor Storage: Accessory outdoor storage shall be screened with a solid fence and approved through the site plan review process.
3. Nuisance Impacts: Uses and processes shall be limited to those that do not create a nuisance to the use and enjoyment of adjacent property due to odor, dust, smoke, gases, vapors, noise, light, vibration, refuse matter or water carried waste. The use of explosive or radioactive materials, or any other hazardous materials, shall conform to all applicable State or Federal regulations.
4. Property Zoned Business Park: When a property zoned Business Park abuts, or is across the street from, an AG-2 or AG-5 Zoning District the following standards shall apply:
a. Buildings shall be prohibited within one hundred feet (100') of the adjacent property line;
b. Parking lots shall be prohibited within fifty feet (50') of the adjacent property line; and
c. The portion of the lot located between the adjacent property line and the parking lot or building shall be improved in the form of a landscaped buffer with a minimum 5 foot berm and shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 21A.48 of this title. (Ord. 12-24, 2024: Ord. 13-19, 2019: Ord. 9-16, 2016: Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 12-11, 2011: Ord. 61-09 § 20, 2009: Ord. 14-00 § 2, 2000: Ord. 88-95 § 1 (Exh. A), 1995: Ord. 26-95 § 2(16-2), 1995)
A. Purpose Statement: The purpose of the FP Foothills Protection District is to protect the foothill areas from intensive development in order to protect the scenic value of these areas, wildlife habitats and to minimize flooding and erosion. This district is appropriate in areas where supported by applicable master plans.
B. Uses: Uses in the FP Foothills Protection District as specified in Section 21A.33.070
, "Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses for Special Purpose Districts", of this title, are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in Section 21A.32.010
of this chapter and this section.
C. Special Foothills Regulations: The regulations contained in Subsection 21A.24.010
.P of this title, shall apply to the FP Foothills Protection District.
D. Minimum Lot Area and Lot Width: Any use, except trailheads, in the FP Foothills Protection District shall comply with the following lot area and width requirements:
1. Minimum lot area: Sixteen (16) acres.
2. Minimum lot width: One hundred forty feet (140').
E. Maximum Building Height: See Subsection 21A.24.010
.P of this title for special foothills regulations governing building height.
F. Minimum Yard Requirements: No principal or accessory building shall be located within twenty feet (20') of the front or corner side lot line nor shall any principal or accessory building be located within 75' of any side or rear lot line. Accessory structures (other than accessory buildings) shall conform to Section 21A.36.020
, Table 21A.36.020.B of this title.
G. Maximum Disturbed Area: The disturbed site area shall not exceed two (2) acres. For the purposes of this district, "disturbed areas" shall be defined as areas of grading and removal of existing vegetation for principal and accessory buildings and areas to be hard surfaced.
H. Slope Restrictions: To protect the visual and environmental quality of foothill areas, no building shall be constructed on any portion of the site that exceeds a thirty percent (30%) slope for lots in subdivisions granted preliminary approval by the planning commission after November 4, 1994.
I. Fence Restrictions: Fences and walls shall only be constructed after first obtaining a building permit subject to the standards of this subsection.
1. Site Plan Submittal: As a part of the site plan review process, a fencing plan shall be submitted which shall show:
a. Any specific subdivision approval conditions regarding fencing;
b. Material specifications and illustrations necessary to determine compliance with specific subdivision approval limitations and the standards of this section.
2. Field Fencing of Designated Undevelopable Areas: Fencing on areas identified as undevelopable areas or transitional areas on any subdivision granted preliminary approval by the planning commission after November 4, 1994, or any lot previously platted which identifies undevelopable areas or transitional areas shall be limited to the following standards unless subdivision approval granted prior to November 4, 1994, included specific fencing requirements which are more restrictive. The more restrictive requirement shall apply.
a. A low visibility see through fence shall consist of flat black colored steel "T" posts and not more than four strands of nonbarbed steel wire, strung at even vertical spacing on the "T" post, and erected to a height of not more than 42" above the natural ground surface.
b. When fencing lot boundary lines, vegetation or native brush shall not be cleared so as to create a visible demarcation from off site.
c. The existing surface of the ground shall not be changed by grading activities when erecting boundary fences.
d. Fence materials and designs must not create a hazard for big game wildlife species.
e. No field fencing shall be erected in conflict with pedestrian easements dedicated to Salt Lake City.
3. Buildable Area Fencing: Fencing on any portions of a lot identified as buildable area or required side yard on any subdivision granted preliminary approval by the planning commission after November 4, 1994, or any lot previously platted which identifies undevelopable areas or transitional areas shall be limited to the following standards unless subdivision approval granted prior to November 4, 1994, includes specific fencing requirements which are more restrictive. The more restrictive requirement shall apply.
a. An open, see through fence shall be constructed of tubular steel, wrought iron or similar materials, finished with a flat black, nonreflective finish constructed to a height of six feet (6') or less; or
b. A sight obscuring or privacy type fence shall be of earth tone colors, or similar materials to the primary dwelling, and located in a way to screen private outdoor living spaces from off site view.
4. Front or Corner Side Yard Fencing: Walls and fences located within the front or corner side yards or along dedicated roads shall not exceed a maximum of 42" in height.
J. Special Landscape Regulations: In addition to the regulations in Chapter 21A.48
"Landscaping and Buffers" the following special landscape regulations apply:
1. Landscape Plan: In addition to the landscape plan submittal requirements listed in Section 21A.48.050
, landscape plans shall also include:
a. Delineation between proposed revegetation of disturbed areas of the site, and road/driveway areas. The landscape plan shall extend 100 feet beyond the disturbed site area and 25 feet beyond the limits of grading for roads/driveways, but need not include any portions of the site designated as undevelopable unless these areas are disturbed.
b. As a condition of site plan approval, a plan for erosion protection.
c. An irrigation plan designed to provide sufficient water for at least the first 2 years of growth to establish revegetation of natural areas.
2. Maximum Disturbed Area: The maximum disturbed area shall not exceed 10% of the total site area.
3. Tree Preservation and Replacement: Existing trees over 2 inches in caliper that are removed from the site to accommodate development shall be replaced. Whenever microclimate conditions make it practical, the proportion of replacement tree species shall be the same as the trees removed.
4. Limits on Turf: To minimize the impact on the natural landscape and promote the intent of this district, the area of turf grasses shall not exceed 33% of the area to be landscaped and shall not encroach into undevelopable areas.
5. Slope Revegetation: All slopes graded or otherwise disturbed shall be restored/replanted. Restored vegetation shall consist of native or adapted grasses, herbaceous perennials, or woody trees and shrubs as appropriate for slope, soil and microclimate conditions. (Ord. 12-24, 2024: Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 12-11, 2011: Ord. 26-95 § 2(16-3), 1995)