   A.   Purpose Statement: The purpose of the EI Extractive Industries District is to provide locational control over extractive uses and to promote the reclamation of these sites. Inherent in this purpose is the need to provide appropriate buffering adjacent to other zoning districts. This district is appropriate in areas of the City where the applicable master plans support this type of land use.
   B.   Uses: Uses in the EI Extractive Industries District, as specified in section 21A.33.070, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Special Purpose Districts", of this title, are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in section 21A.32.010 of this chapter and this section.
   C.   Minimum Lot Size:
      1.   Minimum lot area: Ten (10) acres.
      2.   Minimum lot width: Three hundred feet (300').
   D.   Maximum Building Height: Seventy five feet (75').
   E.   Minimum Yard Requirements:
      1.   Front Yard: Fifty feet (50').
      2.   Corner Side Yard: Fifty feet (50').
      3.   Interior Side Yard: Thirty feet (30').
      4.   Rear Yard: Thirty feet (30').
      5.   Accessory Buildings And Structures In Yards: Accessory buildings and structures may be located in required yard areas subject to section 21A.36.020, table 21A.36.020B of this title.
   F.   Landscape Yard Requirements: The first thirty feet (30') of all required yards shall be maintained as landscape yards in conformance with the requirements of chapter 21A.48 of this title.
   G.   Buffer Requirements: No extraction or mining activities are permitted within one thousand feet (1,000') of property zoned in a Residential District or an Institutional District. In addition, landscape buffers shall be provided as required in chapter 21A.48, "Landscaping And Buffers", of this title.
   H.   Reclamation Plan For New And Expanded Uses: All new extractive use sites or the expansion of an existing site across property lines existing as of April 12, 1995, must submit a reclamation plan to the Planning Commission, indicating how the site will be reclaimed upon completion of mining activities to allow for the productive and compatible reuse of the site. The reclamation plan shall include the following items of information:
      1.   A grading plan showing the end state topography of the site upon completion of reclamation;
      2.   A revegetation plan indicating what planting will occur to reestablish vegetation on the site;
      3.   A drainage/hydrology plan indicating the hydrological characteristics of the site after reclamation, including the creation/modification of floodplains and wetlands;
      4.   A typical site plan of proposed use or uses of the site following reclamation, including the proposed zoning for the site, building locations, roads and streets, topography, parking and landscaping;
      5.   A financial analysis detailing all the costs of the reclamation plan; and
      6.   A proposed form of financial security to assure the implementation of the reclamation plan. (Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 12-11, 2011: Ord. 26-95 § 2(16-11), 1995)
   A.   Purpose Statement: The purpose of the MU Mixed Use District is to encourage the development of areas as a mix of compatible residential and commercial uses. The district is to provide for limited commercial use opportunities within existing mixed use areas while preserving the attractiveness of the area for residential use. The district is intended to provide a higher level of control over nonresidential uses to ensure that the use and enjoyment of residential properties is not substantially diminished by nonresidential redevelopment. The intent of this district shall be achieved by designating certain nonresidential uses as conditional uses within the Mixed Use District and requiring future development and redevelopment to comply with established standards for compatibility and buffering as set forth in this section. The design standards are intended to facilitate walkable communities that are pedestrian and mass transit oriented while still ensuring adequate automobile access to the site.
   B.   Permitted Uses: Uses in the MU Mixed Use District as specified in section 21A.33.070, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Special Purpose Districts", of this title are permitted subject to the provisions set forth in section 21A.32.010 of this chapter and this section.
   C.   Planned Development Review: Planned developments, which meet the intent of the ordinance, but not the specific design criteria outlined in the following subsections may be approved by the Planning Commission pursuant to the provisions of chapter 21A.55 of this title.
   D.   Minimum Lot Area And Width: The minimum lot areas and lot widths required in this district are as follows:
Land Use
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Land Use
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Mixed use developments, including residential and other uses allowed in the zoning district
No minimum
No minimum
Multi-family dwellings
No minimum
No minimum
Municipal service uses, including City utility uses and police and fire stations
5,000 square feet
50 feet
Natural open space and conservation areas, public and private
No minimum
No minimum
Nonresidential uses
No minimum
No minimum
Pedestrian pathways, trails and greenways
No minimum
No minimum
Places of worship less than 4 acres in size
5,000 square feet
50 feet
Public/private utility transmission wires, lines, pipes, and poles
No minimum
No minimum
Single-family attached dwellings
3,000 square feet per dwelling unit1
Interior: 22 feet
Corner: 32 feet
Single-family detached dwellings
4,000 square feet
40 feet
Twin home
3,000 square feet per dwelling unit
20 feet
Two-family dwellings
6,000 square feet
40 feet
Utility substations and buildings
5,000 square feet
50 feet
Other permitted or conditional uses as listed in section 21A.33.070 of this title
5,000 square feet
50 feet
Qualifying provisions:
   1.    There is no minimum lot area nor lot width required provided:
      a.    Parking for units shall be rear loaded and accessed from a common drive shared by all units in a particular development;
      b.    Driveway access shall connect to the public street in a maximum of 2 locations; and
      c.    No garages shall face the primary street and front yard parking shall be strictly prohibited.
   E.   Minimum Yard Area Requirements:
      1.   Single-Family Detached, Single-Family Attached, Two-Family, and Twin Home Dwellings:
         a.   Front Yard: Ten feet (10').
         b.   Corner Side Yard: Ten feet (10').
         c.   Interior Side Yard:
            (1)   Corner lots: Four feet (4').
            (2)   Interior lots:
               (A)   Single-family attached: No yard is required, however if one is provided it shall not be less than four feet (4').
               (B)   Single-family detached, two-family and twin home dwellings: Four feet (4') on one side and ten (10) on the other.
         d.   Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of the lot depth, but need not be more than twenty feet (20').
      2.   Multi-Family Dwellings, Including Mixed Use Buildings With Less Than Twenty Five Percent Nonresidential Uses:
         a.   Front Yard: Ten feet (10') minimum.
         b.   Corner Side Yard: Ten feet (10').
         c.   Interior Side Yard: Ten feet (10').
         d.   Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of the lot depth, but need not exceed thirty feet (30'), however, if one hundred percent (100%) of the off street parking is provided within the principal building and/or underground, the minimum required rear yard shall be fifteen feet (15').
      3.   Nonresidential Development, Including Mixed Uses With Greater Than Twenty Five Percent Nonresidential Uses:
         a.   Front Yard: Ten feet (10') minimum.
         b.   Corner Side Yard: Ten feet (10').
         c.   Interior Side Yard: No setback is required.
         d.   Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of lot depth, but need not exceed thirty feet (30').
      4.   Legally Existing Lots: Lots legally existing on the effective date hereof, April 7, 1998, shall be considered legal conforming lots.
      5.   Additions: For additions to buildings legally existing on the effective date hereof, required yards shall be no greater than the established setback line.
      6.   Maximum Setback: A maximum setback is required for at least seventy five percent (75%) of the building facade. The maximum setback is twenty feet (20'). Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized through the design review process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review and approval of the planning commission. The planning director, in consultation with the transportation director, may modify this requirement if the adjacent public sidewalk is substandard and the resulting modification to the setback results in a more efficient public sidewalk. The planning director may waive this requirement for any addition, expansion, or intensification, which increases the floor area or parking requirement by less than fifty percent (50%) if the planning director finds the following:
         a.   The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the original structure or the surrounding architecture.
         b.   The addition is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to subvert the intent of the ordinance.
   Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
   F.   Maximum Building Height: The maximum building height shall not exceed forty five feet (45'), except that nonresidential buildings and mixed use buildings shall be limited by subsections F1 and F2 of this section. Buildings taller than forty five feet (45'), up to a maximum of sixty feet (60'), may be authorized through the design review process, subject to the requirements of chapter 21A.59 of this title, provided that the additional height is for residential uses only.
      1.   Maximum Height For Nonresidential Buildings: Nonresidential buildings shall not exceed thirty feet (30') or two (2) stories, whichever is less.
      2.   Maximum Height Of Mixed Use Buildings Of Residential And Nonresidential Uses: Mixed use buildings shall not exceed forty five feet (45'). Nonresidential uses in a mixed use building are limited to the first two (2) stories.
   G.   Minimum Open Space Area: For residential uses and mixed uses containing residential use, not less than twenty percent (20%) of the lot area shall be maintained as open space area. This open space area may take the form of landscaped yards or plazas and courtyards, subject to site plan review approval.
   H.   Required Landscape Yards: All front and corner side yards shall be maintained as landscape yards.
   I.   Landscape Buffers: Where a nonresidential or mixed use lot abuts a residential or vacant lot within the MU Mixed Use District or any Residential District, a 10' landscape buffer shall be provided subject to the improvement requirements of Chapter 21A.48 of this title.
   J.   Nonresidential Use Of A Residential Structure: The conversion and remodeling of a residential structure to a nonresidential use shall be allowed only if the exterior residential character is maintained.
   K.   New Nonresidential Construction: Construction of a new principal building for a nonresidential use that includes the demolition of a residential structure or located between two (2) existing residential uses on the same block face shall only be approved as a conditional use pursuant to chapter 21A.54 of this title, unless located on an arterial street. (Ord. 12-24, 2024: Ord. 67-22, 2022: Ord. 14-19, 2019: Ord. 13-19, 2019: Ord. 12-17, 2017)
   A.   Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Jordan River Fairpark ("JRF") District is to provide a zoning district to facilitate the revitalization of the Jordan River Corridor west of downtown Salt Lake City and implement the State of Utah's "Utah Fairpark Area Investment and Restoration District". The zone provides for a mix of uses, including recreation, cultural, convention, entertainment, office, sport stadia, residential, and commercial uses. This zone is only applicable to private land located within the in the "Utah Fairpark Area Investment and Restoration District" boundary, which is generally located between 1000 West and Redwood Road and 300 North and I-80, as specified on the city's zoning map. The JRF District is intended to provide an area within the city that will generate economic development and increase employment opportunities in the city, region, and state of Utah.
      Except as expressly modified by this Section or applicable development agreement, all other terms and provisions of Title 21A apply to the JRF District.
   B.   Applicability:
      1.   General Plan. Within the JRF District, no General Plan or Master Plan, as described in 21A.02.040, shall be used in evaluating or approving any site plan, plat, or other land use applications.
      2.   Other Districts. No overlay or other district shall apply in the JRF District provided that the Riparian Corridor Overlay set forth in Chapter 21A.34 shall apply to the extent allowed in a separate development agreement with the "qualified owner" as that term is defined in Utah Code Section 11-70-101.
      3.   Fencing of Recreation Facilities, including Stadia. For fences or walls constructed around stadia, fairgrounds, parks, open space, or other outdoor recreation areas and their ancillary uses, the maximum height fence shall be ten (10) feet in height and may be located in any required yard, provided that the fence or wall is no less than eighty percent (80%) transparent above a height of six (6) feet. Fences or walls may exceed ten (10) feet in height if necessary to protect public safety, such as, for driving ranges, baseball fields, athletic fields; or similar facilities. Fences may not prohibit access to water meters.
   C.   Minimum Lot Area, Width and Yard Standards: There are no minimum lot areas or lot widths required in the JRF District. The following provisions are applicable to the yard, lot and bulk standards of the JRF District.
      1.   Front and Corner Side Yards: No minimum front and corner side yards are required. If a front or corner side yard is provided, the maximum setback shall be 15 feet, except for a stadium, plazas, and other similar spaces. Regardless of the setback provided, doors shall be setback a minimum distance to allow the door to operate without swinging into a right of way, midblock walkway, or public or private road.
      2.   Interior Side Yards: No minimum side yard is required.
      3.   Rear Yard: No minimum rear yard is required.
      4.   Open Space: The qualified owner shall create and enforce an open space plan for contiguous land within the JRF District that shall require at least ten percent of gross development area within the contiguous area used for passive or active open space, including use as a pedestrian circulation area.
      5.   Infrastructure Integration: Sites shall be designed to incorporate water meters, utilities, and stormwater infrastructure.
   D.   Building Height:
      1.   Building height shall be measured from finished grade.
      2.   Maximum building height: two-hundred feet (200').
      3.   Buildings taller than two-hundred feet (200') and up to four-hundred (400') feet are permitted but only as authorized through the design review process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title and the following regulations.
         a.   The building shall include a minimum stepback of five feet (5') or other architectural feature that can deflect snow and ice from falling directly onto a sidewalk, midblock walkway, or other public space. The stepback may be located above the first floor and below one hundred twenty feet (120') in height above the sidewalk or public space Buildings with less than fifty percent (50%) of the total façade surface cladded in glass are exempt from this requirement;
         b.   The building development shall include at least one of the following options:
         (1)   A 20 foot midblock walkway that connects to an existing or planned street or midblock walkway;
         (2)   The building is utilizing affordable housing incentives identified in Chapter 21A.52 of this title;
         (3)   A privately owned, publicly accessible open space of at least 500 square feet on the property, or on another property within the geographic boundaries of the Jordan River Fairpark District, creating or adding to a pedestrian thoroughfare, and including trees sufficient to provide a shade canopy that covers 60% of the open space area. Existing public open space areas within the Jordan River Fairpark District are not eligible for purposes of this subsection.
      4.   No structure over 60' is permitted unless the FAA issues a "determination of no hazard to air navigation" for said structure.
         a.   Notwithstanding receipt of a "determination of no hazard to air navigation" from the FAA, all structures over 60 feet shall avoid:
         (1)   Creating electrical interference with navigational signals for radio communication between the airport and aircraft;
         (2)   Making it difficult for aircraft pilots to distinguish airport lights from other lights or result in glare in the eyes of aircraft pilots using the airport;
         (3)   Impairing aircraft pilot visibility in the vicinity of the airport; or
         (4)   Creating a hazard or endanger the landing, takeoff or maneuvering of aircraft intending to use the airport.
   E.   Uses:
      1.   Permitted Uses: The uses specified as permitted uses are permitted provided that they comply with the general standards set forth in this title and all other applicable requirements of this title.
      2.   Conditional Uses: The uses specified as conditional uses shall be allowed provided they are approved pursuant to the standards and procedures for conditional uses set forth in chapter 21A.54 of this title, and comply with all other applicable requirements of this title.
      3.   Uses Not Permitted: Any use not specifically permitted or conditionally permitted in the table of permitted and conditional uses for the specific zoning district is prohibited. Only uses listed as a "P" or a "C" in the table of permitted and conditional uses for a district shall be allowed where designated.
      4.   Prohibited Uses: The following land uses are prohibited:
         a.   Commercial and Industrial Land Uses That Exceed two hundred thousand (200,000) Gallons of Water per Day.
         b.   New Land Uses: Any new commercial or industrial land use that consumes or uses more than an annual average of two hundred thousand (200,000) gallons of potable water per day is prohibited in all zoning districts. The use and consumption limit is based on the total use from all water meters that serve the land use.
         c.   Expansions of Existing Uses: No commercial or industrial land use shall expand to an extent that increases its daily potable water consumption or use to exceed an annual average of two hundred thousand (200,000) gallons of potable water per day. Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 21A.38.040.H, an existing land use that exceeds the water use threshold may not expand if the expansion will result in a net increase in water consumption or use. The use and consumption limit is based on the total use from all water meters that serve the land use.
         d.   Water Use Report Required: A land use applicant shall certify the anticipated daily water use of the proposed land use in a manner satisfactory to the Department of Public Utilities. The Department of Public Utilities may require an anticipated daily water use report of any land use applicant proposing a new use or expansion of an existing use.
         e.   Exemption: Agricultural, residential, and institutional land uses are not subject to the regulations of this subsection. For purposes of this section, an institutional land use includes government owned or operated facilities, places of worship, and hospitals.
Permitted and Conditional Uses by District
Permitted and Conditional Uses by District
Accessory use, except those that are specifically regulated elsewhere in this title
Adaptive reuse for additional uses in eligible buildings
Affordable housing incentives development
   Bar establishment
   Small Brewery
Ambulance Service
Amphitheater, formal
Amphitheater, informal
   Cremation service
   Veterinary office
Antenna, Communication Tower
Antenna, Communication Tower exceeding the maximum height in the zoning district
Art gallery
Artisan food production
Artisan Production
Artists' Loft/Studio
Bakery, commercial
Bed and breakfast
Bio-medical facility
Blacksmith shop
Blood donation center
Botanical Garden
Bus line station/terminal
Charity Dining Hall
Check cashing/payday loan business
Clinic (medical, dental)
Commercial food preparation
Community correctional facility, small
Community garden
Daycare center, adult
Daycare center, child
   Assisted living facility (large)
   Assisted living facility (limited capacity)
   Assisted living facility (small)
   Accessory unit (ADU)
   Congregate care facility (large)
   Congregate care facility (small)
   Group home (large)
   Group home (small)
   Living quarter for caretaker or security guard
   Residential support (large)
   Residential support (small)
   Rooming (boarding) house
   Shared housing
   Single-family attached
   Single-family (detached)
   Twin home
Emergency medical service facility
Exhibition hall
Farmers' market
Farm stand
Financial institution
Financial institution with drive-through facility
Flea Market
Funeral home or mortuary
Gas station
Home occupation
Hospital, including accessory lodging facility
Intermodal transit passenger hub
Laboratory, medical related
Laundry, commercial
Mixed use development
Mobile business
Municipal service uses, including City utility uses and police and fire stations
Nursing care facility
Open space
   Off site
   Park and ride lot
Performing arts production facility
Pharmacy with drive through use
Place of worship
Radio, television station
Railroad passenger station
Reception center
Recreation (indoor/outdoor)
Research and development facility
Restaurant with drive-through facility
Retail (goods or services)
Retail (goods or services) with drive-through facility
   K-12 Private
   K-12 Public
   College or university
   Music conservatory
   Professional and vocational
   Seminary and religious institute
Short Term Rental
Social service mission
Solar array
Storage, accessory (outdoor)
Store, Pawnshop
Studio, art
Technology facility
P3, 5
Theater, live performance
Theater, movie
Urban farm
Utility, building or structure
   Automotive Rental Agency
   Automobile repair (major)
   Automobile repair (minor)
   Automobile sales and service
   Car Wash
Welding shop
Zoological Park
Qualifying provisions:
   1.   See Subsection 21A.02.050.B of this title for utility regulations.
   2.   Subject to conformance with the provisions in Section 21A.36.300 "Alcohol Related Establishments", of this title.
   3.   Consult the water use and/or consumption limitations of Subsection 21A.33.010.
   4.   Allowed only within legal conforming single-family, duplex, and multi-family dwellings and subject to Section 21A.36.030 of this title.
   5.   Prohibited within ½ mile of a residential use if the facility produces hazardous or radioactive waste as defined by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality administrative rules.
   6.   Use allowed on state collector and arterial streets and not permitted within 1,000' of a perennial stream.
   7.   Must be attached to a building containing other commercial or residential uses.
   8.   Must have covered and/or offsite parking for any vehicles offered for rent.
   F.   Design Standards: Design standards shall be as set forth in Section 21A.37.060.F.
   G.   Sign Regulations:
      1.   Incorporation of D1 and D4 Sign Provisions. Within the JRF District, the sign regulations found in section 21A.46.110.A.3.a of this title apply.
      2.   Stadium Area Sign Regulations. Entertainment, sports and similar signs allowed in section 21A.46.110.A.3.b shall be allowed within an area in the JRF District that is 1,000 linear feet from the property boundary of a parcel containing a stadium or event center use.
      3.   District Signs. In addition to the signs allowed by Subsection G(1) and (2) above, the JRF District may include private directional signs and wayfinding signs to integrate the development within the JRF District with other areas owned by the state and adjoining or near the JRF District.
      4.   Sign Master Plan. Sign regulations shall not regulate interior signs that are not visible to or from a public street or public way provided that such internal signs shall be consistent with a sign master plan maintained by the qualified owner.
      5.   Within the JRF District, a development quadrant, which is an area bounded by a public or private alley, trail, pathway, linear park or street on all sides, shall be used interchangeably with "city block" as that term is used in section 21A.46.110.A.3.a.
      6.   One public assembly facility sign, as that term is defined and restricted in Utah Code Section 72-7-504.5 may be allowed within the JRF District. (Ord. 92-24, 2024)