A.   Purpose Statement: The purpose of the PL Public Lands District is to specifically delineate areas of public use and to control the potential redevelopment of public uses, lands and facilities. This district is appropriate in areas of the City where the applicable master plans support this type of land use.
   B.   Uses: Uses in the PL Public Lands District, as specified in section 21A.33.070, "Table Of Permitted And Conditional Uses For Special Purpose Districts", of this title, are permitted subject to the general provisions set forth in section 21A.32.010 of this chapter and this section.
   C.   Minimum Lot Area And Lot Width:
Land Use
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Public schools
5 acres
150 feet
Other permitted uses
20,000 square feet
75 feet
   D.   Maximum Building Height:
      1.   Local government facilities, prison or jail, government offices, arenas, stadiums, fairgrounds and exhibition halls: Seventy five feet (75'); provided, that where abutting a zoning district allowing greater height, the height standard of the abutting district shall apply.
      2.   Other uses: Thirty five feet (35').
   E.   Minimum Yard Requirements:
      1.   Public School:
         a.   Front Yard: Thirty feet (30').
         b.   Corner Side Yard: Thirty feet (30').
         c.   Interior Side Yard: Fifty feet (50').
         d.   Rear Yard: One hundred feet (100').
      2.   Other Uses:
         a.   Front Yard: Thirty feet (30').
         b.   Corner Side Yard: Thirty feet (30').
         c.   Interior Side Yard: Twenty feet (20').
         d.   Rear Yard: Thirty feet (30').
      3.   Accessory Buildings And Structures In Yards: Accessory buildings and structures may be located in required yard areas subject to section 21A.36.020, table 21A.36.020B of this title.
   F.   Required Landscape Yards: All front and corner side yards shall be maintained as landscaped yards in conformance with the requirements of chapter 21A.48 of this title.
   G.   Landscape Buffers: When a lot in the PL Public Lands District abuts a lot in a Single-Family or Two-Family Residential District, landscape buffers, in accordance with the requirements of chapter 21A.48 of this title, shall be required. (Ord. 10-24, 2024: Ord. 66-13, 2013: Ord. 12-11, 2011: Ord. 26-95 § 2(16-6), 1995)