A.   Applicability: The provisions set forth in this section apply to the naming of any city asset, including, but not limited to:
      1.   Opening of a new or refurbished city asset;
      2.   Honoring an individual, group, or organization;
      3.   Recognizing a gift, donation, sponsorship, joint venture/partnership, or significant contribution to the city or the general public; and
      4.   Improvements to an existing city asset.
   B.   General Provisions: The following provisions shall apply to selection of any name associated with a sponsorship, city recognition, or a tribute or memorial:
      1.   Consent: When a city asset is proposed to be named for an individual, before consideration of the proposal consent shall be obtained from such individual or, if such individual is deceased, the individual's next of kin.
      2.   Community Council Recommendation: When a direct relationship or association exists between a group or an individual's former place of residence and an asset to be named, the relevant community council shall review the proposal and make a recommendation to the mayor.
      3.   Prohibited Names: Unless otherwise determined by the city in its sole discretion, no name shall be chosen that:
         a.   Causes confusion due to duplication of or similarity to an existing named location within Salt Lake City;
         b.   Is the name of:
            (1)   An entity associated with tobacco, alcohol, firearms, obscenity, or a sexually oriented business;
            (2)   A religious or political organization; or
            (3)   A religious leader, unless such leader being honored is recognized solely for the leader's civic contribution;
         c.   May have an inappropriate acronym, short form, or modification;
         d.   Is discriminatory or derogatory;
         e.   Relates to or may create a controversial situation within the city; or
         f.   Recognizes a single individual for a contribution similar or identical to a contribution made by others within a particular group associated with that individual.
      4.   Asset Name Rejection: The city, in its sole discretion, may reject any proposed asset donation or any name proposed for a new or existing city asset.
   C.   Sponsorships And City Recognitions: The following provisions shall apply to the selection of any name associated with sponsorship or city recognition:
      1.   Context: The selected name shall:
         a.   Have a longstanding or unusually significant identification with the city or its residents;
         b.   Be consistent with:
            (1)   The character and public value of the asset;
            (2)   Financial sponsorship categories as may be established by the mayor;
            (3)   Geographical locations; and
            (4)   Any other applicable city requirement.
      2.   Personal And Organization Names: The name of an individual or an organization, shall be considered only when such individual or organization has made a significant contribution to the city by:
         a.   Enhancing the quality of life and well being of the city;
         b.   Contributing to the historical, cultural, or societal preservation of the community;
         c.   Contributing a significant portion of project costs used for acquisition, development, improvement, or conveyance of land or a building; or
         d.   Achieving personal or organizational excellence that represents Salt Lake City in a positive manner.
      3.   Public Gifts: When selecting a name connected with a sponsorship, the following additional factors shall be considered:
         a.   The dollar value of the contribution compared to the construction and ongoing operating and maintenance costs of the city asset to be named;
         b.   Any financial sponsorship categories as may be established by the city to recognize different contribution amounts;
         c.   The cost of establishing the naming; and
         d.   In the case of a donated asset, projected ongoing operating and maintenance costs.
   D.   Tributes And Memorials: The following provisions shall apply to the selection of any name associated with a tribute or memorial:
      1.   Quality: An asset donated to the city shall conform to applicable city standards including, but not limited to, design, durability, and location. The city, in its sole discretion, may reject an offer to donate an asset that does not meet city standards.
      2.   Maintenance: An asset donated to the city that is unique and not within any asset class ordinarily purchased and maintained by the city shall be maintained by the donor unless otherwise provided in an asset naming agreement. (Ord. 11-13, 2013)