3.65.010: PURPOSE:
   A.   The purpose of this chapter is to establish policy and guidelines for naming (including renaming) any city owned property, referred to in this chapter as a "city asset", including, by way of example, but not limited to, parks and park lands; landscape elements such as trees, plants, plazas, and gardens; site furnishings such as benches, playgrounds, and donated art; open spaces; facilities; walkways, and gathering spots; recreation elements such as sports fields and bocce courts; memorials, statues, and busts; and municipal buildings, properties, sites, and structures.
   B.   This chapter is designed to promote the city and enhance public awareness of particular city assets.
   C.   The naming of city assets shall be consistent with adopted city policy and, more particularly, the provisions of this chapter.
   D.   The policy set forth in this chapter is to establish a systematic and consistent basis for recognizing contributions and support to the city from citizens, volunteers, organizations, financial donors, community leaders, officials, and others. (Ord. 11-13, 2013)