3.60.010: Purpose
3.60.020: Scope
3.60.030: Definitions
3.60.040: Donation Policy
3.60.050: Donations Of Money, Cash Equivalents, And Negotiable Securities
3.60.060: Donations Of Real Property
3.60.070: Nonmonetary Donations (Except Real Property)
3.60.080: Ownership Of Improvements
3.60.090: Donation Agreement
3.60.100: Donation Acknowledgment
3.60.110: Tax Liability
3.60.120: Use Of Excess Funds
3.60.130: Damaged, Lost, Stolen, Or Worn Donations
3.60.140: Reports To City Council
3.60.150: Conflicts Of Law
The purpose of this chapter is to establish policy and guidelines for acceptance of donations to the city. Its provisions are intended to establish a review process that considers the intentions of the donor, the needs and desires of the community, and city benefits and costs associated with proposed donations, including long term costs of maintenance and care of donated property. (Ord. 42-22, 2022: Ord. 37-20, 2020: Ord. 19-12, 2012)
A. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, the provisions of this chapter shall apply to any donation made, or proposed to be made, to the city.
B. This chapter does not apply to:
1. A grant;
2. A donation consisting solely of volunteer labor;
3. A donation governed by state or federal law; and
4. A sponsorship, naming right, or other similar arrangement concerning city owned property. (Ord. 42-22, 2022: Ord. 37-20, 2020: Ord. 19-12, 2012)