14.08.010: Street Names Designated On Official Map
14.08.015: Street Name Change Fees
14.08.020: Building Numbering System
14.08.030: House Numbers; Issuance; Use Required
14.08.040: House Numbers; Certificate And Fee
14.08.050: House Numbers; Display Specifications
14.08.060: House Numbers; Using Different System Prohibited
All streets of the city shall be known by the names by which they are so designated on the official map of Salt Lake City, filed in the office of the public works director on December 3, 1920, and such additions, changes and corrections of the names of streets as shall from time to time be placed on said official map by ordinance. (Prior code § 41-6-1)
A nonrefundable fee as shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule shall be paid by any person requesting consideration by the city of a change of the name of any city street. Said fee shall not be payable where such street name change is determined by the city to be necessary in order to eliminate duplication of names or to avoid other confusion which would have a negative impact upon the providing of emergency services if such street remains unchanged. (Ord. 24-11, 2011)
It shall be the duty of the city engineer, in numbering the houses or buildings upon the streets of the city, to adopt a numbering system in accordance with the Salt Lake County addressing system, allowing one number every 8.25 feet. The initial point shall be the junction of Main Street and South Temple, and the numbering shall extend east, west, north and south with even numbers always on the right, and odd numbers always on the left, looking away from the initial point. In numbering such streets which do not strictly run in a compass direction, the city engineer shall attempt to make such numbering as consistent as possible with the scheme expressed above. (Ord. 88-86 § 63, 1986: prior code § 41-6-2)