To the extent of any irreconcilable conflict between this title and any federal or state law, the latter shall control. It is not the intent of this title to excuse any Person or Operator from the performance of any obligation they may have under any agreement with the City, whether the agreement is in existence at the time of adopted or entered into thereafter. Such agreements may include requirements, terms or conditions in addition to or more restrictive than the provisions of this title. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
All Persons using the Airport System shall pay the rents, fees and charges specified by the Department as applicable. Use fees, as determined by the Director and set forth in the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule, shall be imposed on users of the Airport System, and may include, but is not limited to, fees for: aeronautical services, landing fees, aircraft apron facilities, cargo carrier Ramp use, aircraft parking, in-flight catering, baggage claim facilities, rates and charges, flight training, repair services, badging services, exclusive terminal use, and other common and public use facilities. Fuel fees and taxes shall be imposed on any Person offering aviation fuel for sale within the Airport System in accordance with state law and fees set forth in the consolidated fee schedule. Payment of all required fees shall be made in the manner prescribed by the Director consistent with the Rules and Regulations and applicable provisions of this code. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
A. A customer facility charge (CFC) shall be imposed on each rental transaction day, up to and including a maximum of twelve (12) days per rental contract, for the rental of a vehicle from an On-Airport Rental Car Operator.
B. The Director is authorized to implement and administer the CFC program on behalf of the City, through concession and/or lease contracts or other means, including, without limitation, the Department's Rules and Regulations. CFC revenues may be pre-collected for future use, as specified in this chapter.
C. On-Airport Rental Car Operators shall collect the CFC revenues which shall be held in trust for the benefit of the City. CFC revenues at all times shall be property of the City and the On-Airport Rental Car Operators shall have no ownership or property interest in the CFC revenues.
D. On-Airport Rental Car Operators shall list the CFC as a separate line item described as "customer facility charge" on all customer invoices.
E. On-Airport Rental Car Operators shall segregate, separately account for and disclose all CFC revenues as trust funds in their financial statements and shall maintain adequate records to account for all CFCs charged and collected.
F. On a monthly basis, On-Airport Rental Car Operators shall remit the CFC revenues directly to the Department, which shall be received no later than the last day of the month following the month in which the CFC charges were imposed. On-Airport Rental Car Operators shall submit a monthly transaction report which includes the following: transaction days, a summary of daily business transactions in connection with the International Airport, an accounting of all fees charged to Airport customers in connection with such transactions, and such other information as required by City. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
A. All funds received from fuel, taxes, rentals, concessions, customer facility charges (CFCs), or any other source within the Airport System shall be placed in the airport enterprise funds and kept separate and apart from all other City funds. The collection, accounting, and expenditure of all airport enterprise funds shall be in accordance with existing fiscal policy of the City and consistent with state and federal laws and federal grant assurances.
B. Funds received from customer facility charges (CFCs) shall be used for paying the City's capital costs for construction and improvement of rental car facilities in the Airport System, including costs that support environmental sustainability; paying a pro rata share of City's costs for joint use infrastructure, such as roadways, ready return and quick turnaround areas allocable to rental car usage; building reserves for renewal and replacement capital costs; paying common costs of a shuttle bus operation for rental car customers; funding transportation costs and other costs associated with interim operations during construction phasing and relocation of rental car operations; paying the City's costs for infrastructure for future lease areas for a service center, including site prep; funding debt service associated with rental car facilities; or funding City's costs for such other rental car related purposes as the City determines. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
No person shall hinder or obstruct the use of any roadway or walkway provided for vehicular or pedestrian travel, or otherwise use or occupy the same except in accordance with the ordinary use thereof for the particular class of traffic involved. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
No person shall fly any model or remote-controlled airplane, kite, model rocket, balloon, drone, or other airborne device on or near the Airport System or controlled properties without the express written prior approval of the Director. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
Fueling of aircraft, vehicles and equipment shall only be performed by persons authorized by the Director and trained in fuel servicing procedures and safe operation of fuel equipment. Fueling equipment shall meet National Fire Prevention Association standards. Fuel that is delivered to the Airport System for the purposes of storage or resale on the Airport System shall only be delivered to facilities which have been designated by the Director as a fuel farm, or fuel storage and dispensing area. No aircraft shall be refueled or defueled while the aircraft is running or while such aircraft is in a hangar or other enclosed space, or while being warmed by the application of external heat. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)