All Persons using the Airport System, whether by permission, invitation, or license, agree to comply with the Department's Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards. No Person shall commit any violation of this title, the Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards promulgated hereunder, including all fire protection requirements required under applicable law and this code, or any applicable federal, state, or local law while on the Airport System property. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
Any Person trespassing on the Airport System, or refusing to comply with this title, the Department's Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards, or applicable federal, state, or local law, may be directed to leave the Airport System property by a law enforcement officer, the Director, or by any authorized Airport employee, and may be deprived of further use of the Airport System and its facilities. Failure to comply with a direction to leave the Airport System property may result in the arrest or citation of the Person for trespass under the Department's Rules and Regulations, and federal, state, and local law. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
No Person shall use the Airport System, or any portion thereof, for any Commercial Aeronautical Activity, or any business or revenue producing non-aviation commercial activity, without first obtaining a written contract, permit, license, lease or other form of written authorization from the Department for such activity, in compliance with any applicable Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards, and paying the established or market rates, as applicable, and charges prescribed for such use. No Person not so authorized shall operate, service or repair aircraft or carry on any business of any nature on the Airport System property. All commercial activities on the Airport System property may be allowed at the sole discretion of the Department for the purpose of promoting the best interests of the Airport System. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
Any Person causing damage of any kind to the Airport System, or its facilities or improvements, shall be liable for such damage to the City. All Persons using the Airport System, whether by permission, invitation or license, do so at their own risk and shall assume full responsibility for their own acts and omissions, and the acts and omissions of their agents, contractors, employees, guests and, and shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend the City, its officers, board members, departments, representatives, authorized representative(s), employees, affiliates, successors and agents from liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from their use thereof, including from the claims of others arising out of their use. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
To the extent of any irreconcilable conflict between this title and any federal or state law, the latter shall control. It is not the intent of this title to excuse any Person or Operator from the performance of any obligation they may have under any agreement with the City, whether the agreement is in existence at the time of adopted or entered into thereafter. Such agreements may include requirements, terms or conditions in addition to or more restrictive than the provisions of this title. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
All Persons using the Airport System shall pay the rents, fees and charges specified by the Department as applicable. Use fees, as determined by the Director and set forth in the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule, shall be imposed on users of the Airport System, and may include, but is not limited to, fees for: aeronautical services, landing fees, aircraft apron facilities, cargo carrier Ramp use, aircraft parking, in-flight catering, baggage claim facilities, rates and charges, flight training, repair services, badging services, exclusive terminal use, and other common and public use facilities. Fuel fees and taxes shall be imposed on any Person offering aviation fuel for sale within the Airport System in accordance with state law and fees set forth in the consolidated fee schedule. Payment of all required fees shall be made in the manner prescribed by the Director consistent with the Rules and Regulations and applicable provisions of this code. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)