The following words and phrases, whenever used in this title, shall be defined as provided in this title unless a different meaning is specifically or more particularly described.
ADVANCED AIRCRAFT MOBILITY SYSTEM: | A system that transports individuals and property using piloted and unpiloted aircraft, including electric aircraft and electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, in controlled or uncontrolled airspace, and includes each component of such system. |
AERONAUTICAL ACTIVITY: | Any activity or service that makes possible, facilitates, is related to, assists in, or is required for the operation of aircraft or another aeronautical activity that contributes to or is required for the safety of such operations. The following activities, without limitation, that are commonly conducted on airports are considered aeronautical activities within this definition: aircraft charter, pilot training, aircraft rental, sightseeing aerial photography, aerial spraying and agricultural aviation services, aerial advertising, aerial surveying, air carrier operations (passenger and air cargo), aircraft sales and service, sale of aviation fuel and oil, aircraft maintenance, sale of aircraft parts, and any other activity which, in the sole judgement of the Department of Airports, because of its direct relationship to the operation of aircraft or the Airport System, can be appropriately regarded as an aeronautical activity. |
AIRCRAFT: | A device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air. See 14 CFR § 1.1. |
AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS: | An aircraft arrival at or departure from the Airport System, with or without FAA airport traffic control service. |
AIRCRAFT PARKING AREA: | The area or areas of the Airport System set aside and designated for the parking of aircraft. |
AIRPORT SYSTEM: | All property owned and operated by the City and controlled through its Department of Airports, including the Salt Lake City International Airport, and any regional or reliever airport owned by the City as applicable, as the property now exists or as may hereafter be expanded or improved, together with all the appurtenant facilities, and includes all areas shown in the FAA-approved airport layout plans. |
AIR OPERATIONS AREA (AOA): | Any area of the Airport System used or intended to be used for the landing, takeoff, or surface maneuvering of aircraft, including all movement areas, runways, taxiways, and apron areas where aircraft are parked, services, refueled, loaded with cargo, or accessed by passengers, including the areas surrounding hangars, navigation equipment and communication facilities. |
BUSINESS: | A voluntary association formed and organized to carry on a business in the legal name of the association, including, without limitation, a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, or sole proprietorship. |
CITY: | Means and has reference to Salt Lake City Corporation, a municipal corporation of the state of Utah. |
CITY COUNCIL: | The municipal legislative body of Salt Lake City as is more thoroughly described in Chapter 2.06 of this code. |
COMMERCIAL: | That which promotes or makes possible earnings, income, revenue, compensation, profits, exchanges (including change of services), trading, buying, hiring, or selling of commodities, goods, services, or tangible or intangible property of any kind, whether such objectives are accomplished or not. |
DEPARTMENT: | The Salt Lake City Department of Airports. |
DIRECTOR: | The duly appointed and qualified department head of the "Department of Airports," selected and appointed by the Mayor with the recommendation of the Airport Advisory Board and with the advice and consent of the City Council, or designee. |
FAA: | The Federal Aviation Administration. |
FAR: | The federal aviation regulations. |
GROUND TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS: | Any business operating any ground transportation vehicle. |
GROUND TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE: | Any motor vehicle used for the transportation of persons using Salt Lake City streets for commercial purposes, regardless of whether a fee or fare is collected. |
INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT: | The Salt Lake City International Airport, as the property now exists or as may hereafter be expanded or improved, together with all the appurtenant facilities, and includes all areas shown in the FAA-approved airport layout plans. |
LANDING AREA: | The runways, taxiways, intermediate turnoffs, any area of land utilized for an advanced air mobility system, and adjoining areas of the Airport System. |
MAYOR: | The duly elected or appointed and qualified chief executive and administrative officer of Salt Lake City, or his/her authorized representative. |
MINIMUM STANDARDS: | The standards, directives, policies, and procedures for Commercial Aeronautical Activities applicable to the Airport System as adopted by authority of this title. |
MOTOR VEHICLE: | Any vehicle propelled by an internal combustion or electric motor. |
ON-AIRPORT RENTAL CAR OPERATOR: | An Operator occupying a rental car concession on the premises of the Airport System. |
OPERATOR: | Persons engaged in commercial or aeronautical activities within the Airport System. |
PERSON: | Means and includes a natural person, organization, corporation, partnership, company, entity, firm, association or corporation, including any representative thereof. |
RAMP: | A paved area of the airport normally used for the parking and taxiing of aircraft. |
RULES AND REGULATIONS: | The standards, directives, policies and procedures applicable to the Airport System as adopted by authority of this title. |
VEHICLE: | A device in, upon or by which any Person or property is or may be propelled, moved, transported, hauled, or drawn upon any roadway within the Airport System. (Ord. 82-24, 2024) |
This title is enacted to provide for and protect the public health, safety, interest and general welfare, and to regulate the activities and the conduct of business within the Airport System, as authorized by the Aeronautics Act, Utah Code Chapter 72, Title 10, or its successor. The purpose of enacting this title is, within the Airport System, to ensure, safe, efficient, and adequate levels of operations and services, protect against unlicensed and unauthorized products and services, maintain, and enhance the availability of adequate services, promote the orderly development of land, ensure the economic health of providers, and ensure the efficient use and preservation of navigable airspace. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
Any authority granted under this section is limited by the Department's role as a City department within City government and does not authorize the Department to exercise independent authority outside of City departmental authority. The Director will provide an annual written report to the City Council on any changes to the Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards applicable to the Airport System and the purpose of such changes in conjunction with adoption of those changes.
Subject to approval by the Mayor, prior to adoption for actions within administrative authority, and subject to approval by the City Council where applicable for actions within legislative authority, and consistent with other applicable provisions of this code, the Director shall have the power and authority to adopt Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards applicable to the Airport System for the following purposes:
A. Subject to applicable provisions of this code, including zoning, land use, and building code requirements, to regulate the development, construction, use, occupancy, management, security, control, operation, care, repair and maintenance of all land, structures and facilities within the Airport System;
B. Subject to the City Council's authority to adopt and modify fees and set the Airport's department budget, to regulate all revenue producing commercial activities and establish and set rates, fees and charges as shall be necessary to meet the needs for operating the Airport System. All Department operations, whether governed by this title or applicable federal laws and regulations, shall conform to the budgets adopted by the City Council and budget amendments when needed and shall be consistent with this code and the Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act for Utah Cities;
C. Subject to approval by the Mayor, to establish reasonable time, place and manner guidelines for the exercise of First Amendment rights;
D. Subject to and consistent with other applicable provisions City Code, to regulate the operation of passenger and vehicle traffic, ground transportation and Ground Transportation Businesses, and parking facilities; and
E. Subject to the Mayor's authority to regulate City operations, to restrict or prevent any activity or action that would interfere with the safe, orderly, and efficient use of the Airport System by passengers, Operators, tenants, and authorized users and to allow for enforcement of the Department's Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
All Persons using the Airport System, whether by permission, invitation, or license, agree to comply with the Department's Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards. No Person shall commit any violation of this title, the Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards promulgated hereunder, including all fire protection requirements required under applicable law and this code, or any applicable federal, state, or local law while on the Airport System property. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
Any Person trespassing on the Airport System, or refusing to comply with this title, the Department's Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards, or applicable federal, state, or local law, may be directed to leave the Airport System property by a law enforcement officer, the Director, or by any authorized Airport employee, and may be deprived of further use of the Airport System and its facilities. Failure to comply with a direction to leave the Airport System property may result in the arrest or citation of the Person for trespass under the Department's Rules and Regulations, and federal, state, and local law. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
No Person shall use the Airport System, or any portion thereof, for any Commercial Aeronautical Activity, or any business or revenue producing non-aviation commercial activity, without first obtaining a written contract, permit, license, lease or other form of written authorization from the Department for such activity, in compliance with any applicable Rules and Regulations and Minimum Standards, and paying the established or market rates, as applicable, and charges prescribed for such use. No Person not so authorized shall operate, service or repair aircraft or carry on any business of any nature on the Airport System property. All commercial activities on the Airport System property may be allowed at the sole discretion of the Department for the purpose of promoting the best interests of the Airport System. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)
Any Person causing damage of any kind to the Airport System, or its facilities or improvements, shall be liable for such damage to the City. All Persons using the Airport System, whether by permission, invitation or license, do so at their own risk and shall assume full responsibility for their own acts and omissions, and the acts and omissions of their agents, contractors, employees, guests and, and shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend the City, its officers, board members, departments, representatives, authorized representative(s), employees, affiliates, successors and agents from liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from their use thereof, including from the claims of others arising out of their use. (Ord. 82-24, 2024)