A.   Application: Any business or entity that desires to purchase display advertising in the pertinent publication location must apply to the pertinent department of City government during the time period in which advertising content is being solicited by the City. The application must contain the following information: name, address, telephone number of the applicant, billing contact information, advertising contact information and a photograph, drawing or other visual representation of the proposed display advertisement. A marked up copy of a similar display ad, showing any needed content changes, may be accepted for this purpose.
   B.   Accepted Applications: During the advertising solicitation period, City personnel will accept interest related advertising applications on a first come first served basis. In the event that requests for advertising space exceed the advertising space available, the following factors will be considered in determining which advertising applications will be accepted: 1) interest related advertising content; 2) order of receipt of payment; and 3) order of receipt of application. (2019 Compilation)