In order to prevent computer desktop viewing of illegal or inappropriate material, and to prevent network device infection from internet websites that download computer malware (viruses, worms or spyware), the City has implemented technology that restricts access to certain internet websites. The technology implemented will use accepted standards for corporate networks in preventing access to certain internet sites. The user is notified with an explanatory browser page when access to an internet website is denied. (2019 Compilation)
A. Request From Supervisor: A City employee may request an exemption from the employee's supervisor for specific internet filtering categories when the employee's job function requires that he or she have access to those categories of sites.
B. Information Required: The request should indicate the type and category of sites that are required for the employee's job function. The request should specify the time period in which the exemption is needed.
C. Approval: If the supervisor approves the request, he or she will forward the request to the Department Director/Chief. If the request is approved by the Department Director/Chief, he or she will forward the request to the IMS Help Desk. The IMS Help Desk will implement the request after approval from the Security Officer. (2019 Compilation)