General Provisions
114.01 Definition
114.02 Insurance required
114.03 Drivers to display photograph
114.04 Exterior identification of taxicab company
Licensing Provisions
114.15 License required
114.16 Persons prohibited from obtaining license
114.17 License application
114.18 License fee
114.19 Refund and proration of license fee; payment
114.20 Transfer of license
114.21 Safety inspection; certificate of inspection prerequisite to license; display of certificate
114.22 License suspension and revocation
Statutory reference:
Power of city to license and regulate, see I.C. 36-9-2-4
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
TAXICAB. Any vehicle used to carry passengers for hire within the limits of the city to destinations designated by passengers but not operating on fixed schedules or routes.
('79 Code, § 15-1)
No taxicab shall be operated unless it is covered by a bond or liability insurance policy in the amount of $100,000 for personal injuries, $300,000 per occurrence, and $25,000 property damage.
('79 Code, § 15-9) Penalty, see § 10.99
Each driver of a taxicab shall display in their taxicab in a position visible to the occupants of the cab a recent photograph of him.
('79 Code, § 15-10) Penalty, see § 10.99