110.01 License required; fee; exception
Statutory reference:
Regulation by state Fire Marshall, see I.C. 22-14-3.
Power of city to regulate and license fairs, sporting events, and the like, see I.C. 36-8-2-10
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, engage or maintain any of the following businesses without a license from the Clerk-Treasurer and without paying to the Clerk-Treasurer the indicated license fee:
(1) Pool, billiard or card tables:
(a) First table $5
(b) For each additional table $3
(2) Bowling alleys:
(a) First alley $5
(b) For each additional alley $3
(3) Theaters $25
(4) Skating rinks $50
(5) Circuses, carnivals or other similar amusements or shows, per day $25
(B) Unless otherwise indicated, all such licenses shall be obtained and all such fees paid, annually.
(C) No carnival or circus sponsored by a local civic or charitable organization shall be required to pay the license fee required by division (A).
('79 Code, § 7-16) Penalty, see § 10.99