General Provisions
118.01 Definition
118.02 Identification
Permit Provisions
118.15 Permit required
118.16 Permit application
118.17 Submission of information to police
118.18 Permit fee
118.19 Background check of applicant; permit approval
118.20 Investigation by Chief of Police; delay in permit issuance
118.21 Approval of applicant; issuance of permit
118.22 Effect of permit
118.23 Exhibition of permit
118.24 Permit revocation
118.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Regulation of solicitations, see I.C. 36-8-2-11
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
STREET SOLICITATION. Any person or organization which desires to solicit from vehicles or individuals upon public ways within the city shall make application for a street solicitation permit on a form as provided by the city. STREET SOLICITATION days may be conducted subject to the following regulations.
(Ord. 04-2003, passed 2-11-03)