For the purposes of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY. Activity that is concerned with or engaged in commerce, and is not restricted to activities designed to produce a financial profit.
(Ord. 11-2018, passed 11-27-18)
(A) Except as described in division (B), no person shall use any real property or improvements owned by the city, or any of its subsidiaries, for the purpose of commercial activity, or for the selling or offering for sale, goods or services to the general public.
(B) Any person seeking to engage in the activity described in division (A) may obtain the permission of the Board of Public Works in advance.
(C) It shall not be considered a violation of this chapter for a person to post written notices, advertisements, or offers for commercial activity at a location intended for dissemination of such information.
(D) Nothing in this chapter supersedes a person’s obligation to comply with any applicable responsibilities under Title XI.
(Ord. 11-2018, passed 11-27-18)