91.01 Definitions
91.02 Animal Warden
91.03 Keeping of domestic farm animals, exotic animals and vicious animals
91.04 Exception to keeping of domestic farm animals
91.05 Maximum number of dogs and/or cats per household
91.06 Maltreatment of domestic pets
91.07 Lost, stray or unattended animals; disposition
91.08 Vaccination of dogs
91.09 Animal welfare and treatment
91.10 Owner held responsible
91.11 Owner responsible for removing animal waste
91.12 Impounding animals
91.13 Redemption and release
91.14 Redemption fees
91.15 Owner unable to pay redemption fees; notification
91.16 Notice of violation
91.17 Citations; hearings before the Town Council
91.18 Variances to regulations
91.99 Penalty