Every owner within the town shall see that his, her or their animal is:
   (A)   Kept in a clean, sanitary and healthy manor;
   (B)   Has sufficient and wholesome food and water which is proper and nutritional for that species of animal;
   (C)   Has a proper and adequate structure; provided that, will protect the animal from all elements of the weather and will allow that animal to stand, sit and lie down without restriction;
   (D)   If ill, diseased or injured, the animal must receive proper medical care as necessary to prevent the transmittal of a disease to other animals or humans and be segregated from other animals;
   (E)   Not beaten, cruelly ill-treated, overloaded, overworked or otherwise abused by any animal or human, or cause, instigate or permit any fight or other combat between animals, or between animals and humans;
   (F)   Not physically altered in any manner by anyone other than a veterinarian with the exception of tattooing and grooming;
   (G)   Not abandoned, neglected or tortured;
   (H)   Properly vaccinated and licensed if required by local, state or federal law;
   (I)   Not a public nuisance as defined in § 91.01 of this chapter;
   (J)   Not left in a vehicle when the condition of the vehicle or weather would constitute a health hazard to the animal inside the vehicle; and
   (K)   Properly restrained.
(Ord. 2019-03, passed 3-5-2019) Penalty, see § 91.99