Motorist serving businesses and regional shopping centers and new automobile dealerships which are within the areas identified in figure 16 of this section herein may install freeway oriented signs, subject to the regulations and standards of this code. The following regulations and standards shall apply to freeway oriented signs:
A. Only regional shopping centers, new automobile dealerships in accordance with subsection 15.36.390
D of this chapter, and businesses which are "motorist serving" as defined in this chapter may install freeway oriented signs. In no case may a regional mall or any use within a "regional mall" (as defined in this chapter) install a freeway oriented sign.
B. The maximum height of freeway oriented signs shall be twenty five feet (25'), unless a taller sign is necessary to achieve visibility a minimum of three-tenths (3/10) of one mile from at least one approach to an off ramp serving the business. If determined necessary by a flag test as described below, a sign higher than twenty five feet (25') may be constructed.
C. The maximum size of a freeway oriented sign shall be one hundred twenty (120) square feet, unless a conditional use permit is approved for such a sign pursuant to subsection 15.36.100
F of this chapter. The area of a freeway oriented sign shall not be counted toward the maximum sign area for the business.
D. Flag tests for freeway oriented signs shall be conducted as follows:
1. A flag or object no smaller than thirty two (32) square feet shall be lifted vertically in the location of the proposed freeway oriented sign, starting at a height of twenty five feet (25') (measured from the bottom of the object).
2. City personnel shall be stationed at locations three-tenths (3/10) of one mile from the beginning of the off ramps directly serving the business for which the sign will be installed.
3. City personnel shall observe whether the object is visible at a height of twenty five feet (25'). If the object is not visible, it shall be raised in ten foot (10') increments until it is visible from one direction at a distance of three-tenths (3/10) of one mile from the start of the off ramp approach. If a greater height is needed for visibility from one of the two (2) off ramp approaches, the planning commission may permit the greater height to be used if it is determined that visibility from that direction is needed.
4. The height established in subsection D3 of this section (or by the planning commission, as noted in subsection D3 of this section) shall be maximum height for the sign.
E. No freeway oriented sign shall be erected which would obscure another sign when viewed from the freeway.
F. No freeway oriented sign shall be erected that will be closer than one hundred feet (100') from another freeway oriented sign.
G. The minimum size letter in the text of a freeway oriented sign shall be one foot (1') in vertical or horizontal dimension. The maximum size letter shall be three feet (3'), vertical or horizontal dimension.
H. No more than one freeway oriented sign is permitted per property; provided, however, that a freeway oriented property which is located within a freeway oriented unified shopping center may be permitted an additional freeway oriented sign if it is located on a separate parcel and the sign would meet all other standards in this section.

(Ord. 2963, 2024: Ord. 2744, 2014: Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
The following standards shall apply to signs for movie theaters in any zoning district in which they are permitted:
A. Signs Subject To Review: All movie theater signs, including building mounted signs and marquees, shall be subject to review and approval by the city.
B. Additional Signs Allowed: Movie theaters may use any or all of the following types of signs:
1. Building mounted marquee to identify the movie theater and any or all of the movies showing in the theater.
2. Freestanding marquee to identify the movie theater and any or all of the movies showing in the theater.
3. Building mounted signs to identify the movie theater.
4. A marquee directly over the ticket window(s) for the convenience of ticket buyers to identify movies and showtimes.
5. Movie posters to display current and coming attractions.
C. Sign Sizes: The following size limits shall apply to signs for movie theaters:
1. Building mounted marquee signs shall be limited to the larger of either two hundred (200) square feet or twenty (20) square feet per screen in a multiscreen theater. All screens in a multiscreen theater may be used to calculate the marquee size.
2. Freestanding marquee signs shall be limited to the larger of either: a) two hundred (200) square feet or b) twenty (20) square feet per screen in a multiscreen theater. Freestanding marquee signs may be increased to a maximum of twenty five (25) square feet per screen, subject to approval by the planning commission, if it is determined that the sign's architectural design is of such a quality and/or character as to warrant the increase in marquee size. All screens in a multiscreen theater may be used to calculate the marquee size.
3. The size of a building mounted marquee shall be calculated separately from a freestanding marquee. Allowable sign area in excess of the amount used may not be transferred from a building marquee to freestanding marquee or from a freestanding marquee to a building marquee.
4. Building mounted signs (exclusive of marquees) shall be limited to a maximum of two hundred (200) square feet. One sign may be increased in size in excess of two hundred (200) square feet, subject to approval by the planning commission, if it is determined that the sign's architectural design is of such a quality and/or character as to warrant the increase in size. Up to two (2) square feet of sign per foot of building frontage may be permitted, subject to approval by the planning commission, if it is determined that the design of proposed signs is of such a quality and/or character as to warrant the increase of total area.
D. No Maximum Marquee Size Established: No maximum size for box office marquees is established, other than the limit on letter height contained in this section. The size of a box office marquee shall not be counted toward the total sign area on a theater.
E. Exterior Poster Cases: Exterior poster cases shall be limited to a maximum size of thirty nine inches (39") wide by fifty two inches (52") high. The size of poster cases shall not be counted toward the total sign area on a theater.
F. No Maximum Letter Height Established: No maximum letter height shall be established for movie theaters, with the exception that letters on box office marquee signs identifying the movies and/or showtimes shall be no more than three inches (3") high.
G. Sign Height:
1. Freestanding Theater Marquee: Twenty feet (20') to the top of the marquee area. The overall height of the sign structure may exceed twenty feet (20') (up to the maximum height limit in the land use district), subject to approval by the planning commission, if it is determined that the sign's architectural design is of such quality and/or character as to warrant the increase in height. In no case shall the top of the marquee area exceed twenty feet (20') in height above the ground.
2. Signs On Building: These height limits shall not apply to signs located on a movie theater building.
H. Number Of Signs: The following limits shall apply to the number of signs at a movie theater:
1. Building mounted marquee: Maximum of one sign.
2. Freestanding marquee: Maximum of one sign.
3. Exterior poster cases: Maximum of one poster case for every two (2) screens. Poster cases must be located within forty feet (40') of an entrance into the theater lobby. Poster cases may be located in a freestanding structure more than forty feet (40') from a lobby entrance if approved by the planning commission. Poster cases on a freestanding structure shall be limited to a maximum of one for every four (4) screens. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
Multi-tenant signs may be permitted only subject to the following standards and regulations:
A. Multi-Tenant Signs Permitted: Multi-tenant signs are permitted for unified centers that meet the following criteria:
1. This criteria only applies to the C-3 and C-4 districts or in a specific plan land use district which references the sign criteria for these zoning districts.
2. Two hundred twenty five feet (225') of frontage on a dedicated right of way.
3. Lot frontage shall have a ten foot (10') minimum setback area, inclusive of buildings and driveways, of landscaping from the street right of way.
4. The multi-tenant sign shall be located in a minimum fifty foot (50') linear landscape setback area.
B. Exceptions To Certain Criteria: Multi-tenant signs are permitted for unified centers that do not meet the criteria in subsection A of this section when the planning commission determines: 1) one or more businesses within the center are not visible from the roadway fronting the property; 2) no other alternatives exist within the center to provide reasonable business identification for those businesses; and 3) the shape or location of the unified center, the orientation of the buildings, or other unique conditions lead to the finding that it is in the public interest for the center to be permitted a multi-tenant sign. Multi-tenant signs shall be freestanding.
C. Standards For Multi-Tenant Signs:
1. The number of multi-tenant signs permitted in a unified center shall comply with subsection 15.36.220E2 of this chapter.
2. All multi-tenant signs shall be within unified centers having a sign program that allows multi-tenant signs and complies with the following standards and incorporates the architectural design of the center or surrounding neighborhood area into the sign:
a. The size of any freestanding sign is governed by the criteria of subsection 15.36.220E7 of this chapter.
b. The size of each tenant panel shall be calculated within the allowable signage for that tenant based on the store frontage.
c. Decorative walls may be used as a background for multi-tenant panel signage with up to a total of three (3) tenant panels. Each tenant panel sign shall be composed of individual channel letters and the area of the sign shall be determined by the area within the eight (8) straight lines around the content as described in subsection 15.36.050A2 of this chapter.
3. In unified centers that meet the criteria in subsection B of this section, up to four (4) tenant panels for tenants are permitted on each face of the multi-tenant sign. For all other unified centers, the maximum number of tenant panels is three (3) on each face of the multi-tenant sign.
4. All tenant panels shall have the same size and height.
5. Standards for multi-tenant signs affecting buildings in the C-3 zoning district are contained in article IV of this chapter.
6. All multi-tenant freestanding signs shall be approved by the planning commission pursuant to section 15.36.220 of this chapter and shall be architecturally consistent with the surrounding area or unified center. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
Neon tubing may be installed on a building (unless prohibited by a specific plan or other site specific design standard or regulation), subject to the following:
A. Installation of neon on a building shall require a commission review and approval, or a revision to an existing commission review and approval or conditional use permit for the building.
B. Neon tubing which is physically or visually connected to a sign shall be considered part of the sign and its area included in the total area of the sign.
C. Neon may only be installed on a building within an architectural feature designed and intended for neon tubing.
D. All transformers, ballast, etc., shall be contained within the building or otherwise shielded from view.
E. Neon tubing shall conform with the maximum brightness standards contained in section 15.36.130 of this chapter. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
The following standards shall apply to regional shopping centers as defined in this chapter:
A. C-4 Zoning District Provisions: Except as otherwise provided in this section, the provisions of the C-4 zoning district (section 15.36.220 of this chapter) shall apply.
B. Sign Program: Each regional shopping center shall be required to prepare a sign program, which shall be subject to review and approval by the planning commission. The sign program shall address each of the types of signs which are proposed to be constructed as part of the regional shopping center project.
C. Secondary Signs: The planning commission may allow secondary signs to be increased in area up to a maximum size of fifty percent (50%) of that permitted for the main identification sign if it is determined by the planning commission that the architectural design of the building(s) and the design of the proposed signs is of such a quality and/or character as to warrant the increase in the sign area.
D. Increase In Maximum Sign Area: The planning commission may allow an increase in the maximum sign area to be increased from a maximum of one square foot per linear foot of building frontage to 1.25 square feet per linear foot of building frontage for the first two hundred feet (200') plus one square foot per linear foot of building frontage in excess of two hundred (200) linear feet if it is determined by the planning commission that the architectural design of the building(s) and the design of the proposed signs is of such a quality and/or character as to warrant the increase in the sign area.
E. Multi-Tenant Sign Permitted Within A Regional Shopping Center: Multi-tenant sign(s) may be permitted within a regional shopping center upon the finding that the consolidation of tenants on the same freestanding sign is architecturally and aesthetically superior to allowing a freestanding sign for each tenant otherwise permitted such a sign within this code. No more than four (4) tenant panels shall be permitted for any multi-tenant sign.
F. Increase In Height: The planning commission may allow an increase in the height of freestanding sign(s) up to a maximum of thirty feet (30') high within a regional shopping center when it is determined by the planning commission that the height of the sign(s) is proportionate and aesthetically superior to warrant an increase in height.
G. Sign Area Transfer: The planning commission may allow a transfer of sign area from one tenant to another upon the finding that the transfer will complement the architectural design of the building(s) and/or the design of the proposed signs for the project. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
The following standards shall apply to regional malls, as defined in this chapter:
A. Sign Program: Each regional mall project shall be required to prepare a sign program, which shall be subject to review and approval by the planning commission. The sign program shall address each of the following types of signs which are proposed to be constructed as part of the regional mall project.
B. Interior Signs: All signs located inside the regional mall building(s) shall be exempt from city review or approval.
C. Freeway Oriented Signs Prohibited: Regional malls may not install freeway oriented signs, as defined in this chapter.
D. Signs Permitted: Regional malls may install the following types of signs, subject to the regulations and requirements noted below:
1. Major Entry Signs:
a. Location(s): Major entry signs shall be located on a major arterial roadway at either an intersection with another public street or at vehicle entrances to the regional mall. Major entry sign locations shall be identified in the sign program for the regional mall. For the purposes of measuring sign area, each corner of an intersection shall be considered a separate sign, subject to the area criteria below.
b. Major Entry Sign Height: Maximum height of twenty feet (20').
c. Major Entry Sign Area: Maximum of two hundred (200) square feet per sign face. Up to three (3) sign faces per sign. For signs placed on another structure, only the area of the sign shall be measured.
d. Tenant Identification On Major Entry Sign: Up to five (5) tenant panels may be identified on a major entry sign, along with overall site identification.
e. Major Entry; Minimum Area Required: Each major entry sign shall be located in a landscaped area of at least two thousand (2,000) square feet in size.
f. Design Approval Required: Design of each major entry sign shall be approved by planning commission as part of the sign program for the regional mall.
2. Major Tenant Signs: Two (2) types of signs shall be permitted to identify major tenants within a regional mall: primary and secondary. Standards for these sign types are as follows:
a. Number Of Signs: Primary signs: One building mounted sign per parking lot frontage. Secondary signs: One building mounted sign per customer entrance.
b. Size: Primary signs: Maximum size based on location of sign on building:
(1) 0.75 square foot per linear foot of building facing a parking lot for signs located forty feet (40') or less from adjacent ground level.
(2) 1.0 square foot per linear foot of building facing a parking lot for signs located more than forty feet (40') above adjacent ground level.
c. Transfer Of Square Footage Prohibited: Transfer of allowable square footage from one building frontage to another is not permitted.
d. Size: Secondary signs: Maximum of twenty four (24) square feet.
e. Overall Height: No maximum.
f. Letter Height: No maximum.
g. Logo Height: No maximum.
h. Location: Signs to be mounted to the major tenant's building; not to be placed on any mall building not occupied by the major tenant.
i. Illumination: Signs may be internally or externally illuminated or backlit. Sign design and placement for major tenant identification signs shall be approved by planning commission as part of the sign program for the regional mall.
3. Minor Tenant Signs:
a. Type And Number Of Signs Permitted: The C-4 standards contained in this chapter shall apply to all minor tenants. Exterior signs for minor tenants within an enclosed mall may be permitted only for tenants with customer entrances on the exterior of the mall.
b. Size, Overall Height, Letter Height, Logo Height, Location, Illumination: Per C-4 standards contained in this chapter.
4. Primary Retail Center Entry Signs:
a. Type And Number Of Signs Permitted: "Primary retail center entry sign locations" shall be defined as part of the sign program for the regional mall. No specific limit is placed on the number of signs.
b. Size: Maximum of one hundred fifty (150) square feet of total text area per primary retail center entry, as follows:
(1) Mall identification and/or logo: Up to one hundred fifty (150) square feet.
(2) Secondary signs: Up to twenty four (24) square feet (to be considered part of overall maximum 150 square feet).
c. Overall Height: No maximum height.
d. Letter Height: No maximum height.
e. Logo Height: No maximum height.
f. Location: To be located at major pedestrian entrances into the interior of the mall, not including entrances through a tenant space. Exact locations shall be determined as part of the sign program for the regional mall.
g. Illumination: May be internally or externally illuminated or backlit.
5. Secondary Retail Center Entry Signs:
a. Type And Number Of Signs Permitted: Secondary retail center entry sign locations shall be designated in the sign program prepared for the regional mall. No specific limit is placed on the number of signs.
b. Size: Fifty (50) square feet maximum per secondary entry.
c. Overall Height: No maximum height.
d. Letter Height: No maximum height.
e. Logo Height: No maximum height.
f. Location: To be located at secondary pedestrian entrances into the interior of the mall. Exact locations to be determined by planning commission at the time of architectural/design approval.
g. Illumination: May be internally or externally illuminated or backlit.
6. Directional Signs At Regional Malls:
a. Type And Number Of Signs Permitted: Allow use of monument signs, street signs, directional/information signs, and decorative semipermanent banners/flags. Banners or flags used as directional signs shall not be subject to regulations affecting temporary advertising signs.
b. Size: Sign sizes to be limited as follows:
(1) Monument signs: Maximum of twenty four (24) square feet.
(2) Street/directional signs: Maximum of two (2) square feet per sign.
(3) Banners/flags: Maximum of eight (8) square feet per banner or flag.
c. Overall Height: Sign heights to be limited as follows:
(1) Monument signs: Maximum of four feet (4').
(2) Street/directional signs: Maximum of eight feet (8').
(3) Banners/flags: Maximum of twenty feet (20').
d. Letter/Logo Height: No maximum.
e. Location: Locations to be determined by planning commission as part of the sign program for the regional mall. Directional signs may be located on private property only.
f. Illumination: Directional signs may incorporate decorative or safety lighting, but may not be internally lit.
g. Materials/Maintenance: Materials and construction used in directional/decorative signs shall be capable of sustaining an attractive appearance throughout the projected lifetime of the sign. Materials/construction specifications to be approved as part of the sign program for the regional mall. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)