13.04.010: Definitions
13.04.010: DEFINITIONS:
   A.   For the purpose of this division all words used herein in the present tense shall include the future; all words in the plural number shall include the singular number; and all words in the singular number shall include the plural number.
   B.   Whenever in this chapter the following words and phrases set forth in this section are used, they shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:
   BOARD: The assistant city manager and two (2) city manager appointed city department directors, exclusive of the finance and municipal utilities and engineering departments.
   COST: Labor, material, transportation expenses, supervision, engineering and all other necessary overhead expenses.
   DIVISION: The water division of the city, its superintendent and engineer, appointed officers and any other persons or bodies invested with responsibility and jurisdiction in matters pertinent to the water division.
   FIRE CONNECTION: The tapping of water mains and the laying of pipes from the main to the curb line and the setting of the shutoff valve, flow detection device and vault.
   SERVICE CHARGES: Service charges for use of water from the Redlands domestic water system based on water rates. This may also be referred to, herein, as the water billing.
   SERVICE CONNECTION: The tapping of water mains and the laying of pipes from the main to the curb line and the setting of the meter and meter box.
   WATER RATES: The water rates, water rate structures and water rate classes to be established by resolution of the city council to be used as a basis for charging users for service from the Redlands domestic water system.
(Ord. 2903 § 1, 2019: Ord. 2751, 2011: Ord. 1949, 1986: prior code § 59100)