For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply. Terms used in this chapter which are not defined below shall be used as otherwise defined in this code.
AREA OF A SIGN: Refers to the area as measured in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
AWNING: Either an appendage or shelter (which may be covered in fabric or more durable materials) supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building. An awning which does not contain words or symbols is not considered a sign. (See definition of Canopy.)
BANNER: Any type of fabric, vinyl, or similar sign attached to a building or other structure. Banners may be displayed only as provided in this chapter.
BILLBOARD: A sign which, except for signs located in unified centers, advertises a business, commodity, industry or other activity which is sold, offered or conducted elsewhere than on the premises upon which such sign is located. (See definition of Premises.)
BUILDING LINE: A line established by ordinance beyond which no building may extend. Depending upon the zoning district or other applicable development standards, a building line may be a property line.
CANOPY: An awning which is supported from the exterior wall of a building and from supports to the ground below. (See definition of Awning.)
CHANGEABLE COPY: Copy containing, displaying or having media or letters each of which can be readily changed without tools, where allowed by this chapter. (See definition of Reader Board.)
CONSTRUCTION SIGN: A sign available for a construction project.
CORNER CUTOFF AREA: A triangle formed as shown in figure 1 herein. Note: The dimensions of "corner cutoff areas" may vary, depending on roadway type, zoning, and other features. See section 18.16.010 of this code.

DIRECTOR: The city's community development director or his or her designee.
ELEVATION DRAWING: A scale drawing of the side, front, or rear of a sign or structure.
ENTITY: An independent, separate and individual business. For the purpose of this code, separately owned and operated businesses housed in a single building shall not be considered separate entities unless all of the following apply:
A. The business is completely separated from the remainder of the building by walls and ceilings, and
B. The business has at least one wall forming the exterior of the building, and
C. The business has a customer entrance through this exterior wall.
EXTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN: Any sign which is illuminated from a light source which shines directly on the exterior of the sign.
FASCIA: Refers to a vertical surface in the form of a flat horizontal band on the face of a building.
FASCIA SIGN: A sign applied to the fascia of a building. (See definition of Fascia.)
FREESTANDING SIGN: Any sign supported by a structural element which is not attached to any part of a building. This definition includes pole signs, ground signs, pedestal signs, portable signs, and monument signs.
FREEWAY: Shall be as defined in the Streets and Highways Code of the state of California.
FREEWAY ORIENTED SIGN: A pole mounted sign for a motorist serving business. Freeway oriented signs shall be regulated as provided in this chapter. (See definition of Motorist Serving Business.)
Building Frontage: The portion(s) of a building which face a public street, alleyway or public parking lot, even if there is no entrance or exit for use by the general public. No store or lease space shall be credited with more than one building frontage.

Lot Frontage: That portion of a legal lot which abuts a public street. For the purposes of determining sign area as defined in this chapter, only one frontage per lot may be measured; corner lots or lots fronting on two (2) or more streets may be credited with only one frontage.

GRADE: The elevation of the nearest public sidewalk or paved area adjoining the property upon which a sign or building is erected or the natural surface of the ground supporting a sign or building, whichever is the lower surface.
HEIGHT OF SIGN: The height of a sign measured as defined in this chapter.
HISTORIC SIGN: A sign that has been designated by the historic and scenic preservation commission to be of historic, architectural or cultural importance to the city.
ILLUMINATED SIGN: A sign which is lighted in any way. (See definitions of Externally Illuminated Sign and Internally Illuminated Sign.)
INDIRECTLY LIGHTED OR SHADOW LIGHTED SIGN: An illuminated sign constructed so that the immediate source of the illumination is not visible when the sign is lighted, and which does not exceed ten (10) candlepower per square foot, measured at ten feet (10') from the sign.
INTERIOR SIGN: In the context of a regional mall, is any sign which is located entirely within the interior portion of the mall.
INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED SIGN: Any sign in which the source of illumination is located within the sign structure and shines through a translucent surface (such as plastic), through holes in an opaque surface, or directly from the illumination source (as with a "reader board" sign). (See definition of Reader Board.)
MAIN IDENTIFICATION SIGN: A sign with an area greater than twenty four (24) square feet and located on any building or parcel.
MAJOR REGIONAL MALL ENTRY: A combination of a landscaped area and a major mall entry sign. Major mall entries must be located within the boundary of the regional mall. (See definition of Regional Mall.)
MAJOR REGIONAL MALL ENTRY SIGN: A sign used within a major mall vehicle entry. (See definition of Regional Mall.)
MAJOR TENANT: In a regional mall, is defined as a single store containing at least one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of gross floor area. In all other cases, a major tenant is a single store containing at least fifty thousand (50,000) square feet of gross floor area. (See definition of Regional Mall.)
MAJOR TENANT ENTRY: The pedestrian entry into a major tenant at a regional mall. (See definition of Regional Mall.)
MINOR TENANT: In a regional mall, is defined as any store which is not large enough to be considered a major tenant. (See definitions of Major Tenant and Regional Mall.)
MONUMENT SIGN: A freestanding sign not more than four feet (4') in height which is detached from a building, and the support structure of which is a solid base constructed of a permanent material such as concrete block or brick.

MOTORIST SERVING BUSINESS: A business especially oriented to provide services to the freeway traveling public. Motorist serving businesses shall be limited to those whose primary products or services are food, lodging, or motor vehicle fuel. A motorist serving business shall be open to the public a minimum of twelve (12) hours per day, seven (7) days per week.
OBSOLETE SIGN: A sign relating to a business, product or service no longer available on the premises.
OFF SITE: Refers to a sign which is not located on the same parcel as the business, product, or activity it identifies or advertises.
OUTPARCEL: In the context of a regional mall project, is any individual parcel of land on which a single building not physically connected to the mall itself will be constructed. (See definition of Regional Mall.)
PAINTED SIGN: A sign which is comprised only of paint applied on a building or structure.
PEDESTAL SIGN: A freestanding sign in excess of four feet (4') in height. The support structure of a pedestal sign and the sign face itself shall be designed as one architecturally unified and proportional element. The combined width of the supports of pedestal sign shall be at least one-fourth (1/4) the width of the sign face. Pedestal signs may not exceed twelve feet (12') in height. (See definitions of Monument Sign and Pole Sign.)

PERMANENT SIGN: A sign which is permanently affixed to a support or structure and comprised of durable materials such as wood, metal, or fiberglass.
POLE SIGN: A freestanding sign which is supported by one or more structural elements that are either: a) architecturally dissimilar to the design of the sign or b) less than one-fourth (1/4) the width of the sign face.

PORTABLE SIGN: Any freestanding sign which is not permanently attached to the ground or a building.
PREMISES: For the purposes of this chapter shall include the parcel or lot upon which a building is located or to any unified center. (See definition of Unified Center.)
PROJECTING SIGN: A sign mounted on the face or vertical surfaces of a building or structure, the display surfaces of which are not parallel to the supporting structures.

PROJECTION: The distance by which a sign extends beyond the vertical surface of the building.
READER BOARD: As used in this chapter is a sign in which automated electric lights or other animated devices are used to form letters and/or symbols, generally in an animated or changing display. (See definition of Changeable Copy.)
REAL ESTATE SIGN: A sign indicating that the premises on which the sign is located, or any portion thereof, is for sale, lease, or rent.
REGIONAL MALL: A master planned retail development in which at least three (3) major tenants and other minor tenants are arranged around an enclosed, interior courtyard. Regional malls are typified by a pedestrian orientation, in which a customer will drive to the mall, enter the mall, and visit individual stores on foot. Regional malls shall have a minimum gross land area of seventy five (75) acres. (See definitions of Major Tenant and Minor Tenant.)
REGIONAL MALL DIRECTIONAL SIGN: A sign within the parking area of a regional mall which provides information to motorists. (See definition of Regional Mall.)
REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER: A master planned retail development with a land area of at least thirty five (35) acres and a building area of at least three hundred fifty thousand (350,000) square feet.
RETAIL CENTER ENTRY, PRIMARY: In a regional mall, a "primary retail center entry" shall be the main pedestrian entrance(s) into the interior mall area. Primary retail center entries shall be distinguished by enhanced architecture or landscaping, or both. The number of primary retail center entries shall not exceed one and one-half (11/2) times the number of major tenants (e.g., a mall with 4 major tenants could be provided with 6 primary retail center entries). An entry directly into a retail store is not considered a retail center entry. (See definition of Major Tenant Entry.)
RETAIL CENTER ENTRY, SECONDARY: In a regional mall, a "secondary retail center entry" shall be any pedestrian entry into the interior mall area which is not a primary retail center entry. An entry directly into a retail store is not considered a retail center entry. (See definition of Major Tenant Entry.)
ROOF SIGN OR ROOF MOUNTED SIGN: A sign erected or painted wholly on or above the roof covering any portion of a building.
SF: An abbreviation for "square foot" or "square feet", depending on the context in which it is used.
SEARCHLIGHT: An apparatus containing a light source and a reflector for projecting a high intensity beam of approximately parallel rays of light.
SECONDARY SIGN: A sign with an area less than or equal to twenty four (24) square feet and located on any building or parcel. An interior tenant qualifies for a secondary sign if that tenant has frontage on city right of way or any other public area.
SIGN: Any writing, pictorial presentation, emblem, banner, or any other device, figure or similar character, including a physical structure or paint placed on another structure, containing words and/or illustrations in any combination which are intended to advertise, notify, inform, or otherwise impart information about any business, special event, or other public or private purpose. For the purposes of this chapter, any frame or background which is an integral part of a sign is considered part of the sign.
SIGN STRUCTURE: A. For a freestanding sign or a sign which projects from another structure, the "sign structure" shall be a physical structure upon which letters or symbols are placed;
B. For a sign placed parallel to the surface of a building, the sign structure shall consist of all elements placed directly upon the building, including individually mounted letters.
UNIFIED CENTER: For the purposes of this chapter shall mean a commercial or industrial center designed for occupancy by two (2) or more tenants and in which access to parking and/or the parking area itself is shared by two (2) or more tenants, either physically or formally (as through easements or agreements). Buildings in a unified center may share a common architectural theme, but may also have differing exterior treatments.
WALL SIGN: A sign attached parallel to the exterior wall of a building, not projecting more than eighteen inches (18") therefrom.
WIND SIGN OR DEVICE: Any sign or device in the nature of a banner, flags or other object, designed and installed in such a manner as to move upon being subject to pressure by wind or breeze. Banner signs permitted by this chapter which are not designed to be moved by wind shall not be considered wind signs.
WINDOW SIGN: Any sign painted or hung on either the inside or outside surface of a window, not including merchandise displayed inside a window. Any sign hung more than twelve inches (12") from the inside surface of a window shall not be considered a window sign and shall not be counted toward maximum permitted window sign area. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
A. Sign area shall be measured as defined and illustrated below:
1. For signs whose shape is a regular geometric figure (square, rectangle, circle, oval, etc.), the area shall be calculated using standard formulas (H x W, p x R2, etc.).

2. For signs whose shape is irregular (such as individual letters placed on a wall or a monument sign), the area shall be measured by enclosing the sign elements within up to eight (8) straight, intersecting lines.

B. Where a sign has two (2) faces, the area of the largest sign face shall be included in determining the area of the sign, so long as the two (2) sides are within five degrees (5°) of parallel.
Where a sign has two (2) or more faces which are more than five degrees (5°) from parallel, the sign area shall be computed as the sum of the area of each sign face.
C. The area of spherical, cylindrical, or other three-dimensional signs shall be measured by calculating the area of an elevation drawing of the sign.
D. Where a sign contains a frame, background, or other material used to differentiate the sign from the background on which it is placed, the sign area shall be measured to include the entire frame, background, or other material.
E. The area of a monument sign which is supported by a base which is architecturally distinct from the sign face itself shall not include the area of the base. See figure 11 of this section.

F. The supports of a pedestal sign shall not be included in the area of a sign, unless they form an integral part of the sign face.
G. The following standards shall be used to determine the area of signs containing multiple elements. Figure 12 herein illustrates these measurement methods.

1. Regardless of their spacing, the letters forming a word or name shall be considered a single sign.
2. When two (2) or more separate items in a sign (such as a word and a logo) are separated horizontally or vertically by less than twice the width or height of the largest item, the items shall be considered a single sign, and the area shall be determined by measuring the area enclosed by a perimeter enclosing all of the items.
3. When two (2) or more separate items (such as a word and a logo) are separated horizontally or vertically by more than twice the width or height of the largest item, the items shall be considered two (2) signs, and the area of each item shall be determined individually.
H. For signs placed on an awning or other translucent surface lighted from below or behind (other than a window), the sign area shall be calculated to include the entire lighted area of the awning. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
A. The height of all signs shall be measured from the top edge of the sign and/or support structure to the average finished grade of the ground below the sign and/or support structure, as shown below. If the sign is adjacent to a sidewalk or curb, the height shall be measured from the average top of sidewalk or curb.
B. The following shall apply to signs located within ten feet (10') of a sidewalk or curb:
1. If the sign is located on a mound or other raised area, any mounding more than one foot (1') in height will be added to the height of the sign. (For example, a 4 foot high sign structure located atop a 3 foot high mound will be considered to be 6 feet in height.)
2. If the sign is located in a depression or similar lowered area, up to one foot (1') in elevation will be deducted from the height of the sign. (For example, a 4 foot high sign located in a depression 2 feet lower than the adjacent sidewalk will be considered to be 3 feet high.) (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)

A. Temporary signs are for sales, special events, business promotions, and other events which occur over a limited time.
B. Both faces of a dual faced sign (except as otherwise specifically permitted by this chapter) shall contain the same words, artwork and logo. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)
A. It is unlawful for any person to erect, construct, reconstruct, install, place, build, hang, paint, draw, affix, fasten, alter, relocate, or maintain a "sign", as defined in this chapter, without first obtaining all required approvals and permits, and making payment of fees as required by the city, except as noted in subsection B of this section and for specific sign types in this chapter. Permits may include planning, building and/or electrical permits or sign permits.
B. No sign permit shall be required for the following types of signs. Building or electrical permits may be required.
1. Open house signs.
2. Sale, rent, and lease signs.
3. Window signs.
4. Exempt signs. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)