A.   Sign Approvals: All signs, except as specifically noted in this chapter, require approval by the city. The following sections describe required sign related approvals.
   B.   Freestanding Signs: The location size and architectural design of all freestanding signs and support structures (except construction and temporary signs) shall be approved by the planning commission. Replacement of a sign without any structural change, such as replacement of sign elements including, but limited to, individual channel letters or increase in sign area, on existing freestanding sign structures shall be approved by the director.
   C.   Roof Signs: Roof signs or roof mounted signs are discouraged. However, such signs may be permitted upon the finding that: 1) the sign is an integral part of the design of a building, such as signs incorporated into roof screens or parapet walls; 2) the sign is compatible with the design of the building; and 3) the location of the sign is aesthetically consistent with the project and nearby building and architecture.
   D.   Building Mounted Signs: Unless specified otherwise in a specific plan, sign program, or other regulation, the location, size, and architectural design of all building mounted signs may be approved by the director. Replacement of sign copy on existing building mounted signs may be approved by the director with reasonable conditions to ensure compliance with this chapter.
   E.   Sign Programs: The planning commission shall approve all sign programs and amendments to sign programs.
   F.   Signs Larger Than One Hundred Twenty Square Feet In Area: All signs and sign programs that have signs larger than one hundred twenty (120) square feet shall be permitted upon approval of a conditional use permit application. The city council shall approve the sign or sign program by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the entire authorized membership of the city council.
      1.   Approval Of Application; Findings: The city council, in approving a conditional use permit, shall find as follows:
         a.   The size of the sign is compatible with the design, architecture, and scale of the building(s) and/or project.
         b.   The size of the sign is aesthetically consistent with the project, adjacent areas, and the city.
         c.   The size of the sign is needed to provide necessary project identity for the benefit of the general public.
      2.   Public Hearing By City Council: A public hearing shall be held by the city council after a complete application has been filed and legally required notice given for the hearing.
         a.   Notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation, not less than ten (10) days before the date set for the council hearing. The notice shall contain all data related to the case.
         b.   Notices shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting to owners of property within a radius of three hundred feet (300') of the external boundaries of the property described in the application, using for this purpose the name and address of such owners as are shown on the latest official tax roll of the county. Such notice shall contain all data related to the case.
   G.   Permit Issuance Does Not Prevent Stop Work Orders: The granting of a permit shall not prevent the city from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in the work, or from preventing further operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance of the city. (Ord. 2552 § 1, 2004)