15.30.010: Findings And Adoption
15.30.020: Definitions
15.30.030: Title
15.30.040: Alternative Materials Or Methods
15.30.050: Work Exempt From Permit
15.30.060: Permit Fees
15.30.070: Fees Not Refundable
15.30.080: Site Plan
15.30.090: Inspection Fees
15.30.100: Terms Defined In Other Codes
15.30.110: Building Official Definition
15.30.120: Heavy Fuel Definition
15.30.130: Light Fuel Definition
15.30.140: Medium Fuel Definition
15.30.150: Fuel Modification Zone Definition
15.30.160: Heavy Timber Construction Definition
15.30.170: Exception
15.30.180: Standby Power
15.30.190: Scope
15.30.200: Protection Of Eaves
15.30.210: Section 504.7 Appendages And Projections
15.30.220: Section 505.7 Appendages And Projections
15.30.230: Penalties
A. Findings: The city council of the city of Redlands hereby finds and determines:
1. That the International Code Council (ICC) is a private organization which has been in existence for a period of at least three (3) years.
2. That the international wildland-urban interface code (IWUIC), 2006 edition, published by said organization, is a nationally recognized compilation of proposed rules, regulations, and standards of said organization.
3. That said international wildland-urban interface code has been printed and published as a code in book form within the meaning of section 50022.2 et seq., of the California Government Code.
4. That one copy of the 2006 international wildland-urban interface code, certified by the city clerk of the city of Redlands to be a true copy, has been filed for use and examination by the public in the fire prevention office of the fire department of the city.
5. The sections of said international wildland-urban interface code may be referred to by the number used in said published compilation, preceded by the words "international wildland-urban interface code section" or "wildland-urban interface code section" or "WUI code section," and may also be referred to by additional reference to this municipal code and sections therein pertaining to said international wildland-urban interface code.
B. Adoption: The city council of the city hereby adopts and amends the 2006 edition of the international wildland-urban interface code, and international wildland-urban interface code appendices A, B and D, as compiled and published by the International Code Council. (Ord. 2696 § 1, 2008)
A. Wherever the word "jurisdiction" is used in said wildland- urban interface code, it shall mean the city of Redlands.
B. Wherever the term "code official" is used in said wildland- urban interface code, it shall mean the fire marshal for the city.
C. Wherever the term "corporation counsel" is used in said wildland-urban interface code, it shall mean the city attorney for the city.
D. Wherever the term "fire department" is used in said wildland- urban interface code, it shall mean the fire department of the city.
E. An employee of the fire department of the city, when enforcing the international wildland-urban interface code, this municipal code and other laws, rules and regulations relating to fire and life safety, fire prevention and fire investigation, shall be deemed a "peace officer" as those words are used in section 830.31 of the California Penal Code. (Ord. 2696 § 1, 2008)