General Provisions
   30.001   Elections
   30.002   Appointment of elected officials
   30.003   Municipal officers; regulations
   30.004   Resignation of appointed officials
   30.005   Qualifications of officials; defaulter
   30.006   Bonds of village officers
   30.007   Village offices consolidated
   30.008   Liability insurance
   30.009   Interest in contracts prohibited
   30.010   Salaries regulation
   30.011   Claims
   30.012   Municipal year
   30.013   Expenses; reimbursement
   30.014   Official records
   30.015   Federal Old Age and Survivor’s Insurance system
   30.016   Paid leave for all workers
Village Clerk
   30.030   Elected
   30.031   Vacancy
   30.032   Publication of ordinances; Board minutes; records
   30.033   Delivery of papers to officers
   30.034   Preparation of documents, commissions and licenses
   30.035   Report of licenses
   30.036   Delivery of licenses
   30.037   Administration of oaths
   30.038   Outstanding bonds
   30.039   Reports
   30.040   Successor
   30.041   Payments
   30.042   Submit appropriation to Village Board
   30.043   Notification to persons appointed to office
   30.044   Other duties
   30.045   Deputy Clerk
Village Treasurer
   30.060   Department established
   30.061   Finance Committee
   30.062   Treasurer appointed; vacancy
   30.063   Money; warrants; accounts; payments
   30.064   Warrant register
   30.065   Separation of funds
   30.066   Bond
   30.067   Special assessments
   30.068   Bookkeeping
   30.069   Statements
   30.070   Report delinquent officers
   30.071   Year-end report
   30.072   Deposit of funds
Superintendent of Public Works
   30.085   Office created
   30.086   Streets
   30.087   Utility systems
   30.088   Department employees
   30.089   Property custodian
Village Collector
   30.100   Position established
   30.101   Appointed; vacancy
   30.102   Separation of funds
   30.103   Duties of Village Collector
   30.104   Annual Village Collector’s report
   30.105   Detention of money by Village Collector
   30.106   Utility billings
Library Board
   30.120   Established
   30.121   Appointment; compensation
   30.122   Term
   30.123   Vacancies
Officials, Employees and Organizations5
   30.124   Oath of office; organization; meetings
   30.125   Custodian of funds
   30.126   Powers and duties
   30.127   Additional powers and duties
   30.128   Selection and use of library materials
   30.129   Free to public
   30.130   Annual report
   30.131   Donations
   30.132   References
   30.133   Violations
Code Enforcement Officer
   30.150   Appointment
   30.151   Code Enforcement Officer not a police officer
   30.152   Powers and duties
   30.153   Compensation