(A)   When required by the Board of Trustees, the Village Collector shall make a written report to the Board, or to any officer designated by the Board, of all money collected by the Village Collector, the account whereon collected, or of any other official matter. Between April 1 and April 10 of each year, the Village Collector shall file with the Village Clerk a statement of:
      (1)   All the money collected by the Village Collector during the year;
      (2)   The particular warrant, special assessment or account on which collected;
      (3)   The balance of money uncollected on all warrants in his or her possession; and
      (4)   The balance remaining uncollected at the time of the return on all warrants which the Village Collector returned to the Village Clerk during the preceding fiscal year.
   (B)   The Village Clerk shall publish the statement at least once, within ten days in one or more newspapers published in the municipality or, if no newspaper is published therein, then in one or more newspaper with a general circulation within the municipality.
(Prior Code, § 1-2-105)