General Provisions
   52.001   Turning on water
   52.002   Application for use of water, sewer and sanitation services; deposit
   52.003   Plumbing must comply with regulations
   52.004   Water connection application fee
   52.005   Certain equipment to be installed by city
   52.006   Reselling water
   52.007   Tampering or altering water system
   52.008   Hydrants; obstructions
   52.009   Sprinkling
   52.010   Prohibited abuses
   52.011   Water mains
   52.012   Use of groundwater as potable water supply prohibited
Service Pipes
   52.025   Installation
   52.026   Pipes specifications
   52.027   Service pipe repairs
   52.028   Excavations
   52.029   Shutoff boxes
   52.045   Meters required
   52.046   Failure of meter
   52.047   Repairs to meters; replacement
   52.048   Reading meters
Contamination and Pollution Prevention
   52.065   Definitions
   52.066   Inspection
   52.067   Water systems
   52.068   Water supply protection
   52.069   System to be open for inspection
   52.070   Backflow prevention device required
   52.071   Types of prevention devices
   52.072   Prevention device specifications
   52.073   Inspection and maintenance of device
   52.074   Devices presently in use
Rates and Charges; Billing Procedures
   52.090   Water service rates
   52.091   (Reserved)
   52.092   Delinquency; disputes; termination
   52.093   (Reserved)
   52.094   (Reserved)
   52.095   Service charge for connection, disconnection
Administration and Enforcement
   52.110   Right of entry for inspections
   52.111   Operator of the Waterworks and Sewerage System Department
   52.112   Water Board
   52.999   Penalty