(A)   Hydrants shall not be so placed as to be exposed to non-paying consumers. No hydrant shall be located on the sidewalk or front area, nor shall they be allowed to run when not in actual use. All taps on premises must be closed when not in actual use unless by a permit from the Operator of the Waterworks and Sewerage System Department.
('72 Code, § 52.010)
   (B)   No person shall in any manner obstruct the access to any hydrant or “buffalo box” connected with any water pipe, within any street, alley, parkway or public place of the city, by means of any vehicle, lumber, brick, building material or other article, thing or hindrance whatever. Whenever any such obstruction occurs that interferes with the function(s) of any city department, official or employee, the city shall be authorized to have the obstruction or hindrance removed, including the towing of any vehicle. In the case of a motor vehicle, trailer, and the like, the removal shall be at the owner’s expense. In the case of other hindrances or obstructions, removal shall be at the expense of the tenant, if applicable, or the property owner.
('72 Code, § 52.012) (Am. Ord. 06-10, passed 12-4-06; Am. Ord. 19-03, passed 5-6-19) Penalty, see § 52.999