The following abuses are absolutely prohibited:
   (A)   Permitting the water to be used for any other purposes than those authorized by permit.
   (B)   Permitting leaks.
   (C)   Allowing water to flow unnecessarily while washing pavements or for similar purposes.
   (D)   Hose for garden purposes, streets, and lawn sprinkling may be used two hours per day, but is prohibited between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., and must be shut off on the alarm of fire being given, and as long thereafter as may be necessary. In no case shall sprinkling be allowed after 8:30 p.m.
   (E)   The practice of affixing sprinklers with the water turned on to trees, or fence, or otherwise allowing them to flow without control or limit at different or other hours than those mentioned above is expressly prohibited.
('72 Code, § 52.013) Penalty, see § 52.999