§ 20-1204. Exemption from Registration and Reporting.
   The following persons and activities shall be exempt from registration and reporting:
   (1)   An individual who limits lobbying to preparing testimony and testifying before a committee of Council, or participating in an administrative proceeding of an agency.
   (2)   An individual who is an employee of an entity engaged in the business of publishing or broadcasting while engaged in the gathering and dissemination of news and comment on the news to the general public in the ordinary course of business.
   (3)   An individual who does not receive economic consideration for lobbying.
   (4)   An individual whose economic consideration for lobbying, from all principals represented, does not exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) in the aggregate during any reporting period.
   (5)   An individual who engages in lobbying on behalf of the individual's employer if the lobbying represents less than 20 hours during any reporting period.
   (6)   Except as required under subsection 20-1203(7), a principal whose total expenses for lobbying purposes do not exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) during any reporting period.
   (7)   A City official or employee who acts in an official capacity, as well as elected or appointed officials and employees of the following jurisdictions, when acting in an official capacity: the Commonwealth, political subdivisions thereof, other States or political subdivisions thereof, and the federal government. 105
   (8)   An individual representing a bona fide church or bona fide religious body of which the individual is a member where the lobbying is solely for the purpose of protecting the constitutional right to the free exercise of religion.
   (9)   An individual who is not a registered lobbyist and who serves on an advisory board, working group or task force at the request of a City agency.
   (10)   Participating as a party or as an attorney at law or representative of a party in a case or controversy, or in any administrative adjudication, including the entire process from potential dispute to final resolution. This includes all actions, including responses, questions, discussions, submissions, and settlement negotiations regarding any claim, controversy, assessment, voluntary tax disclosure, or letter ruling request. Provided, however, that this exemption shall not apply to efforts to influence general policy on behalf of an interest group, nor to direct communications with City officials or employees who the principal, representative, or agent knows or should know are not those who would ordinarily make determinations in the matter at issue. 106
   (11)   Expenditures and other transactions subject to reporting under Article XVI of The Pennsylvania Election Code.
   (12)   Activities and efforts directly related to responding to publicly advertised invitations to bid and requests for proposals.
   (13)   For purposes of this Chapter, it is not lobbying when a principal, or a consultant or professional (e.g., an accountant, architect, attorney, doctor, or engineer), acting as the representative or agent of a principal or client, communicates with a City agency in a matter in which the principal or client is subject to or seeking a specific City agency action in which the principal's or client's interests, rights, or privileges are at issue, provided that such communication is in an effort to address those interests, rights, or privileges and is in the normal course for such matters. This exception shall not apply to efforts to influence general policy on behalf of an interest group, nor to direct communications with City officials or employees who the principal, representative, or agent knows or should know are not those who would ordinarily make determinations in the matter at issue. 107
   (14)   Communication with a City official or employee on a routine, ministerial matter. For purposes of this exemption, "routine, ministerial matters" include, but are not limited to, the following: 108
      (a)   scheduling a meeting;
      (b)   requesting information about the status of an administrative matter;
      (c)   requesting forms or procedures;
      (d)   requesting information on requirements for compliance with existing laws or regulations;
      (e)   participating in an inspection required by law;
      (f)   responding to an audit conducted pursuant to law;
      (g)   performing services pursuant to an existing contract;
      (h)   inquiring about the delivery of services or materials pursuant to an existing contract;
      (i)   filing a complaint with a City agency to seek enforcement of existing laws or regulations;
      (j)   filing a response to a complaint or other enforcement action commenced by a City agency;
      (k)   applying for means-tested City services or benefits as an agent or representative of a specific individual for whom the services or benefits are sought.
   (15)   Activities of an individual volunteer, not undertaken for compensation, including an attorney rendering pro bono publico services in activities for improving the law. 109



   Amended, Bill No. 110556 (approved October 26, 2011).
   Amended, Bill No. 110556 (approved October 26, 2011).
   Added, Bill No. 110556 (approved October 26, 2011).
   Added, Bill No. 110556 (approved October 26, 2011).
   Added, Bill No. 110556 (approved October 26, 2011).