§ 20-610. Statement of Financial Interests. 47
   (1)   The following individuals shall file a statement of financial interests for the preceding calendar year with the Board of Ethics no later than the first day of May of each year that the individual holds office and of the year after the individual leaves such office. All such individuals who take office after the effective filing date or less than thirty (30) days before the effective filing date must file a statement of financial interest for the preceding calendar year within thirty (30) days of taking office.
      (a)   Individuals who hold City elective office;
      (b)   The Finance Director, Managing Director, City Solicitor, the Mayor's Chief of Staff, and all deputy mayors;
      (c)   Heads of executive branch agencies;
      (d)   Members of the Mayor's cabinet not otherwise listed;
      (e)   Members and executive directors of boards and commissions that exercise significant powers of government, as determined by the Board of Ethics by regulation;
      (f)   Any other executive branch employee whose position is designated by the Mayor in writing to the Board of Ethics.
   (2)   The statement of financial interests filed pursuant to this Section shall be signed under penalty of perjury and include the following information for the prior calendar year with regard to the filer:
      (a)   The name and City position of the filer.
      (b)   The occupation or profession of the filer.
      (c)   Any real estate directly or indirectly owned in whole or in part by the filer that was sold or leased to, purchased or leased from, or subject to any condemnation proceeding by the City of Philadelphia or any other government entity or any City-related non-profit or agency.
      (d)   The name and address of each creditor to whom is owed in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000) and the interest rate thereon. However, loans or credit extended between members of the immediate family and mortgages securing real property which is the principal residence of the individual filing shall not be included.
      (e)   The name of any person who is the direct or indirect source of income totaling in the aggregate five hundred dollars ($500) or more. Any filer whose salary is paid out of the City Treasury, not including members of boards and commission who receive compensation on a per-meeting basis, shall additionally report the amount of income received from any direct or indirect source of income totaling more than five thousand dollars ($5,000). Election not to receive a salary that is fixed by Charter or ordinance shall not relieve a filer from their obligations pursuant to this subsection. However, this subsection shall not be construed to require the divulgence of confidential information protected by statute or existing professional codes of ethics.
      (f)   The name of any person from whom a gift or gifts valued in the aggregate at two hundred dollars ($200) or more were received, and the value and the circumstances of each gift. A filer need not disclose any tickets received from the City. A filer who is an elected official must disclose tickets for public events received from a third party if the filer sells the tickets, attends the event themselves, or gives the tickets to a family member or a member of their campaign staff, but need not disclose such tickets when distributed to constituents or others for free. Records of receipt and distribution of tickets not subject to disclosure must be maintained.
      (g)   The source and amount of any honorarium received which is in excess of one hundred dollars ($100).
      (h)   The name of any business or not-for-profit entity in which the filer holds any office, directorship or employment of any nature whatsoever.
      (i)   The legal name of any business entity engaged in business for profit in which the filer holds a financial interest of more than five percent (5%).
   (3)   All statements of financial interest filed pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall be made available online and for public inspections and copying during regular office hours.
   (4)   For purposes of this Section, the following definitions shall apply:
      (a)   Filer means an individual required to file a statement of financial interests pursuant to subsection 20-610(1).



   Added, 1982 Ordinances, p. 1748; amended, 1983 Ordinances, p. 1460; amended, 1984 Ordinances, p. 710; amended, Bill No. 210080 (approved March 10, 2021). Section 2 of Bill No. 210080 provides: "Effective date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately, except subsections 2(e) and (g), which shall take effect on January 1, 2022."