§ 20-602. Representation by City Officers, Employees and Members of Council.
   (1)   (a)   No member of the Council nor other City officer or employee shall assist another person by representing him directly or indirectly as his agent or attorney, whether or not for compensation, in any transaction involving the City. This Section shall not apply to any assistance rendered by any member of Council or other City officer or employee in the course of or incident to his official duties, or to any person who holds any City office or position who is not compensated for his service by the City. Subject to subsection 20-602(4).
      (b)   No member of Council or other City officer or employee shall accept any fee from anyone for referring any matter to another person where the member of Council or other City officer or employee would be barred from assisting or representing them under this ordinance.
   (2)   An uncompensated City officer or employee or a compensated City officer or employee whose service is part-time (excluding members of City Council or other City officers or employees who are paid on an annual basis) is subject to the foregoing subsection only in relation to a particular matter (a) in which he has at any time participated through decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, the rendering of advice, investigation, or otherwise, or (b) which is pending in the department, agency, authority, board or commission of the City in which he is serving.
   (3)   A member of Council or other City officer or employee may take uncompensated action, not inconsistent with the faithful performance of his duties, to aid or assist any person who is the subject of disciplinary, or other personnel administration proceedings with respect to those proceedings.
   (4)   A member of the Council or any other City officer or employee may act, with or without compensation, on his own behalf or as agent or attorney for, or otherwise aiding or assisting, his parents, spouse, Life Partner, child, brother, sister or any person for whom he is serving as guardian, executor, administrator, trustee, or other personal fiduciary, except in those matters in which he has participated personally as a member of Council, City officer or employee, through decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, the rendering of advice, investigation, or otherwise, or which are the subject of his official responsibility. 37
   (5)   No member or employee of a partnership, firm, corporation, or other business organization or professional association organized for profit of which a member of the Council or other City officer or employee is a member shall represent any person directly or indirectly as agent or attorney in any matter in which such member of the Council or other City officer or employee has the responsibility for decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, the rendering of advice, investigation or otherwise determining such matters, unless such member of the Council or other City officer or employee shall disclose such fact and disqualify himself from such responsibility in the manner set forth in Section 20-608.



   Amended, Bill No. 110716 (approved December 21, 2011).