§ 19-1304. Duties of the Board of Revision of Taxes. 234
   (1)   Definitions. 235
      (a)   Condominium. As defined in the Uniform Condominium Act, Act of July 2, 1980, P.L. 286, No. 82, 68 Pa. C.S. § 3103.
      (b)   Unit. As defined in the Uniform Condominium Act, Act of July 2, 1980, P.L. 286, No. 82, 68 Pa. C.S. § 3103.
   (2)   Numbering of Houses. 236
      (a)   The Board of Revision of Taxes shall number all buildings, houses, condominiums, or other structures located within the City in accordance with the following numbering system:
         (.1)   the initial or starting point shall be at Market Street and the Delaware River respectively, allowing 100 numbers to each square of 350 or more feet in length, and commencing with an even 100 at the commencement of each such square;
         (.2)   on streets running in opposite directions, but not extending to the aforesaid initial points, the same system of numbering shall be employed as though such streets did actually extend to such initial points;
         (.3)   individual numbers shall be assigned to each unit of a condominium;
         (.4)   in any part of the City where the Board finds that it is impractical to follow the numbering system herein set forth, it may depart from such system but shall arrange the numbering in such areas as nearly in accordance with said system as may be possible.
      (b)   The Board shall furnish the owner or occupant of all buildings, houses, structures, or condominium units located within the City a written notice of the correct number of the building, house, structure, or condominium unit owned or occupied by him as assigned according to subsection 19-1304(2)(a) and after service of such notice such building, house, structure, or condominium unit shall be designated and identified by such number in all pertinent City records.



   Source: 1856 Ordinances, p. 219; 1880 Ordinances, p. 144.
   Added, 1987 Ordinances, p. 78.
   Renumbered, amended and subsection added, 1987 Ordinances, p. 78.