(1) No operator shall operate his vehicle or street car between the vehicles, persons, or animals, comprising a funeral or other authorized procession while such funeral or procession is in motion, except when otherwise directed by a policeman. This provision shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles as defined in this Title.
(1) No parade, procession, or assemblages, except of the armed forces of the United States, the military forces of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the forces of the Police Department or the Fire Department, or a funeral procession, shall occupy, march, or proceed along any street except in accordance with a written permit issued by the Department of Licenses and Inspections.
(2) No permit shall be issued under this Section until the applicant has entered into a written agreement with the City, in form approved by the Law Department, under which the applicant agrees to: (i) pay rental fees for any and all equipment which is to be provided by the City at the applicant's request for use in connection with the activity for which the permit is to be issued, and to pay the City for the repair and/or replacement cost of any such equipment that is not returned or that is returned in a damaged condition; and (ii) reimburse the City an amount equal to all personnel costs for services that the applicant specifically requests from the City in connection with the activity for which the permit is to be issued, including, but not limited to, costs for public safety, public health, sanitation, and Department of Public Property personnel, except that this provision shall not be construed to apply to City police costs associated with traffic and crowd control. This subsection (2) shall not apply to demonstrations covered by the "Office of Managing Director: Regulation Governing Permits for Demonstrations on City Property". 148
(3) Other than the rental fees and reimbursements set forth in subsection (2), the City shall not charge any person who receives a permit under this Section for any public safety services provided by the City in connection with, or as a result of, the activity for which the permit was issued. This provision shall be retroactive to January 1, 2009, and the City shall refund any amounts received from any person before this subsection became law that are in excess of the maximum amounts permitted. 149
148 | Added, Bill No. 100158 (became law June 10, 2010). |
149 | Added, Bill No. 100158 (became law June 10, 2010). |
(1) Except at intersections controlled by a traffic signal or a policeman, any operator overtaking and passing upon the left of standing street car on a one-way street shall stop and proceed only when safe, allowing pedestrians the right-of-way when required by this Title.
(1) The Department shall designate street car stops.
(2) Operators of street cars shall stop such street cars only at designated street car stops except in case of emergency.
(3) No operator of a passenger vehicle shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle at a designated street car stop or between the right curb and any designated stop, except for the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers.
(1) No person shall ride upon any portion of any vehicle or street car not designated or intended for the use of passengers, except employees engaged in the necessary discharge of a duty, or persons riding within truck bodies in space intended for merchandise.