General Provisions
50.01 Definitions
50.02 Depositing in streets, alleys, or sidewalks prohibited
50.03 Burning of rubbish or other combustible materials
50.04 Highly inflammable wastes and explosives
50.05 Exposed garbage
50.06 Persons vacating premises responsible
Collection and Service
50.20 Scavenger or disposal service; contract
50.21 License required
50.22 Collection of yard waste
50.23 Individual election
50.24 Payment for yard waste removal
50.25 Collection
50.26 Service charge
50.27 Receptacles
50.28 Commercial garbage, refuse and yard waste and residential dumpsters
50.29 Construction refuse; removal and disposal
50.35 License required
50.36 Annual fee
50.37 Application and revocation
50.38 Vehicles; transportation of refuse
50.39 Disposal, storage of refuse
50.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMMERCIAL DUMPSTER. Any and all containers utilized by any industry, institution, or other commercial entity, to store food wastes, bi-products, and any other matter resulting from the exercise or pursuit of the commercial activity.
GARBAGE. Wastes resulting from the handling, storage, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food of all kinds.
RESIDENTIAL DUMPSTER. Any and all containers utilized by any residence other than a single family detached residence, to store food wastes, bi-products, and any other garbage, rubbish, or other yard wastes.
RUBBISH. Such matter as ashes, metal ware, broken glass, crockery, dirt, sweepings, dead animals, boxes, wood, tin cans, bottles, or other litter of similar and like kind.
SCAVENGER. Any person, firm, trust, partnership, association or corporation engaged in the collection, removal, and disposal of garbage, refuse, ashes, solid waste or recyclables.
YARD WASTES. Grass clippings, shrubbery, cuttings or other refuse attending to the care of lawns, shrubbery, vines, trees, weeds, and tree limbs.
('70 Code, § 5.2.1) (Ord. 90-05, passed 5-14-90; Am. Ord. 98-21, passed 10-19-98; Am. Ord. 10-07, passed 6-28-10)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to dispose of or place any garbage, rubbish or yard waste in any street, alley, or sidewalk or any other public place within the village; nor shall any person, firm, or corporation dispose of or place any garbage, rubbish or yard waste on private property, whether owned by such persons, firm, or corporation or not, within the limits of the village, unless the same shall be enclosed in a suitable container so that the garbage, rubbish or yard waste cannot be blown about by ordinary winds. In the case of yard waste, the containers shall be exclusively placed in the containers as defined in § 50.22.
('70 Code, § 5.2.5) Penalty, see § 50.99