The Mayor shall promulgate such rules and regulations from time to time as are necessary to maintain a high degree of efficiency and discipline within the Department of Police. Existing rules and regulations in force at the present time shall remain in existence until amended or revoked by the Mayor.
(Ord. 1955-67. Passed 8-1-55; Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19.)
The appointment, promotion, suspension or dismissal of members to or from the Department of Police shall be in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter, the rules and regulations of the Parma Heights Civil Service Commission and the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19.)
There are hereby created the non-aligned positions of Police Chiefs Secretary, Civilian Clerk/Case Manager, and Civilian Clerk/Receptionist. They shall be appointed by the Mayor, shall serve at his pleasure and shall perform such clerical duties on behalf of the Municipality as may be assigned by the Mayor and the Chief of Police from time to time.
(Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19.)
(a) Police Civilian Clerks shall serve on a regular duty as directed by the Mayor for an average of forty hours per week, provided, however, that they shall not be required to remain on regular duty for more than twelve consecutive hours, unless and except they are called upon by the Mayor to respond to an emergency.
(b) When any Police Civilian Clerk is called upon by the Mayor to serve for more than forty hours per week, such additional time in excess of forty hours is to be compensated for in the manner provided for in Section 151.07(b).
(c) The normal hourly rate of pay of a Police Civilian Clerk shall be calculated by dividing the annual salary of the Police Civilian Clerk by 2080.
(Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19.)
The Mayor shall have the power to appoint such additional part-time Police Clerks from time to time as he deems necessary for the proper functioning of the Municipality. These part-time Police Clerks shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.
(Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19.)
(a) The office of Police Surgeon is hereby established. It shall be the duty of such Surgeon to answer calls from the Department of Police regarding the physical condition of persons arrested and being held by the Department. It shall also be the duty of the Surgeon to conduct physical examinations of such persons and to advise the Chief of Police, the Mayor or the senior officer on duty as to what actions should be taken in the matter of the health of any such persons.
(b) The office of Police Surgeon shall be filled by a medical doctor admitted to the practice of medicine and surgery in the State. Such medical doctor shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.
(Ord. 2019-5. Passed 2-11-19.)